Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

One Year On

I'm not sure if I believe it yet, but today marks one year since I waved goodbye and drove away from an empty house into somewhat the unknown- to a new home, a new town, a new church, and a new life to look forward to. It was a crazy year. A fun year. An inspiring year. An amazing year. It is with great thanks to God that I can say that. He has richly blessed me with a fantastic year full of opportunities and adventures. It is incredible to think back to those days when I left Albany, when I was homesick and in need of a beach... and then to think about how far I've come since then, and the 'new' life I've started.

I'm not really sure how I've moved from the apprehension that comes with stepping out of routines within a comfort zone, to still being in routines (albeit somewhat different) in a new (albeit somewhat similar) comfort zone. But then I think to the care and guidance of my heavenly Father, and can see that this past year has proven that change and difference isn't so hard when you have a faithful Saviour guiding every step. How wonderful is God's unfailing Word- He will work all things for my good. He was the One who helped me face those initial fears, who has given me the strength and courage to face new beginnings, who has placed beautiful people on my path, who has been with me each step of the way. I honestly feel that God has truly blessed the decision to move, and this is such a wonderful comfort. I have been able to grow closer to my God, by trusting His guidance and plan for me. I have been able to personally grow in self-esteem and confidence. I have met some great people and become part of a new church community. I have been able to form and continue relationships with amazing friends. I have been able to enjoy university campus life, studying, and prac. I have been able to find jobs and enjoy my work. And there's more.

Of course there are people and things that I still miss from Albany. I said I would come down lots to visit, and for that I apologise; I guess once isn't really lots. But somewhere, life moves on. I am still able to keep contact with friends and loved ones, and I have managed to see a few people up here in Perth too :) And maybe, dare I suggest it, you'll have to come up here (bring me some Dylans!) to visit... :) I guess somewhere Albany will always be my hometown, but thanks to God's guidance and wonderful friends I still live at home. So, for all those that read my blog and have contributed in some way, thank you. Thanks for helping me find my feet, for being such wonderful support, for helping me feel at home, and for simply being there (if I needed you or not, both were appreciated).

I can't really believe it. The year went so fast. But in another way, the many, many things which I've been able to do and achieve is also astounding. There are many memories made in this past year that will be treasured forever. Hopefully many more in store for the future. And so life goes on.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Bringing the Good News

If you asked people what Christmas is all about, when taking away the physical things like presents, many people will tell you it's about spending quality time with your family, being happy, and showing 'goodwill'. And in one sense, that is correct. Christmas is seen as a time that you spend with your close (and maybe not so close) family as much as possible. Christmas is a time where you can be happy and joyful, for sure. And Christmas does include showing 'goodwill' to men- as sung by the angels. Yet, there's something big that is lacking in this picture of Christmas. For isn't it every day that we should spend time with family? And isn't it every day that we should be happy and show peace and goodwill? Christmas is a special time of year, is it not? So, is Christmas simply about placing more emphasis on these things, or is there something else that is the cause of the Dec 25th celebration? Okay, Kara, you've already discussed the true meaning of Christmas and how this differs from the many views people have... write about something different! Well okay, I drifted away from my original intentions for this post.

Back to the point, Christmas is all about the good news. The gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And we have a calling to spread this good news. The shepherds who followed the star to the stable on the night of Jesus' birth were the first evangelists (so I learned in Sunday's yesterday's (time flies!) sermon). And so, like those shepherds 2000 years ago, we may, with the grace and power of God, bring the tidings of joy still today. Yesterday, I was priviledged to be able to go with a team of devoted Christians to a local prison and spread the Word. This is a very special thing, and I say 'priviledged' for a reason. Firstly, because with God's strength, I can confess my faith and share His Word and have opportunities to do so. And I was priviledged in many ways to be able to be a member of the fellowship team and spread the gospel in this prison. Because, on Christmas Day, many prisons are in total lockdown state (no visitors allowed) and therefore the prisoners can not spend quality time with their families, their happiness is limited, and peace might be far from their minds (there, I knew there was a reason for my fist paragraph!). We bypassed many security measures and by the grace of God, He (almost literally) opened doors for us so that we could still bring a Christmas message. And that's what we did. For four hours we visited each prison unit and sang Christmas hymns, a few of the male team members brought a short Christmas message, and we handed out home-made biscuits and shook hands with the prisoners.

And it was an absolutely AMAZING, inspiring experience. We were able to sing God's praises and spread His Name in a 'poor' and ridiculed place. The ability to go into a maximum security prison and actually shake hands with prisoners is humbling. It's saddening. It's wonderful to see that they were willing to receive us into their 'home' and actually listen to our singing and the message. It's amazing to feel the immediate benefits of giving- we were able to give them the gospel, our voices, our biscuits, our time and energy- and to see the gratefulness on their faces. To see them joining in when we sang. To see them intently listening to the message. To see them rush forward to grab some biscuits. To look past their clothes and tattoos and see them as people in need of (and wanting to hear) the gospel. And to be able to give them, even if it was just a small hint, the peace and joy that comes with Christmas- the lasting gifts which God gives to us in Jesus Christ.
And so it is my prayer that the grace of God and His Holy Spirit might work in these men so that they may come to know Him, and that they too may fully receive His forgiveness and grace. It is my prayer that the Prison Fellowship team may continually be endowed with strength to continually bring the gospel to those in prison. And it is my prayer that the good news may continue to go out to the ends of the earth.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve. An evening to ponder on the great riches we have through the humbling birth of our Saviour. Tonight we celebrate an extraordinary birth; a birth which allows us to celebrate every day and receive rich gifts of salvation and life. Tonight, Santa isn't going to visit my place. But I don't mind. Because tonight is more special than a bearded man in a red suit. Tonight is all about the birth of my Saviour. I don't need presents, because I have all the gifts I need. I don't need songs about jingle bells and sleighs, because I will sing about a true Christmas eve. How wonderful, that God has visited His people. He is our Emmanuel. So come all you faithful, who have seen the glorious light, and worship your servant king. Sing of our awesome God; sing glory to God in the highest; sing as the herald angels; and sing because away in a manger, in royal David's city, a child was born. And He was called Jesus, for He saves us from our sins.
O Holy Night.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Putting Christ back in Christmas

So, this isn't mine (I'm not quite that smart...) but I found this and thought it quite interesting, or at least applicable for this time of the year.

...Jesus is Better than Santa...
Santa lives at the North Pole,
Jesus is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh,
Jesus rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year,
Jesus is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies,
Jesus supplies all your needs.
You have to stand in line to see Santa,
Jesus is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap,
Jesus lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?",
Jesus knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly,
Jesus has a heart full of love.
All Santa can offer is Ho Ho Ho,
Jesus offers health, help and hope.
Santa says "You better not cry",
Jesus says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.
Santa's little helpers make toys,
Jesus makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle but,
Jesus gives you joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree,
Jesus became our gift and died on the tree.
It's obvious there is really no comparison.
We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.
We need to put Christ back in Christmas.
Jesus is still the reason for the season.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Preparing for Christmas

On Wednesday I visited the hairdresser, and like everywhere at the moment, the Christmas buzz is starting continuing. It's December and people are getting worried. They need to find the PERFECT present for each close relative and friend. Not too expensive but not too cheap, not too cheesy but not too outrageous, suitable but not predictable... All the worry about shopping for Christmas presents creates a stressful atmosphere. And that's just the presents. What about the tree, the lights, the cherries, the tinsel, the ham, the stockings, the beer, the fruit cake, the pies.......

But is this necessary? I think that in ensuring every tiny detail is perfected, people are missing out when it comes to the most important thing. Sure, the retail industry loves this time of year. And those that win the Christmas raffles will have a smile on their face. But most people are at a loss, and not only about what gift to get their Mum. Because ultimately for them it comes down planning a time to be merry, an opportunity to down a few drinks and good food, and a reason to get a week off from work.
So when I was sitting at the hairdresser, I thought about how ignorant people have become. Isn't Christmas supposed to be a time of peace? What's with all the stress then? Why has the word 'joy' been replaced with 'merry'? Why has the focus shifted from heavenly glory to earthly pride? People have lost the true meaning of Christmas. Over time, increasing delight in the physical celebration has led to a sliding away from the spiritual and God-centred celebration. Instead of glorifying God, the focus has become on pleasing Santa and the people coming over for lunch.

I think that we must remember to stop pleasing men, but instead be grateful to God for the blessing of Christmas. Instead of waiting for Santa and the presents that will break and rust, be amazed by the unfading knowledge that God is with us even today, and He continually bestows gifts on His children. Enjoy the peace of knowing that Christ's birth, along with His death on a tree, grants us the greatest gift of all. Be joyful in the birth of Christ as true man, securing our salvation and providing us with everlasting joy. Rejoice that He was willing to humble Himself for you. Be a shining light in this world that is darkened by the ignorance of the gospel. And live in the hope of His return.

And so I wish my blog readers an enjoyable December. I wish all of you God's blessings as you round off another year. Enjoy a few beers. Have fun planning your Christmas lunch for your family and friends. But also take some time to reflect on the joy and peace we may receive through Christ's birth, and the fountain of good it brings to our lives. Thank God for the blessing of Christmas. Don't let the physical 'attractions' distract you from the true meaning of Christmas, something worthy of celebration.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Optimist or Pessimist?

Not sure why this song is great, but I like it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Abide With Me

Reflections are beautiful, although sometimes hauntingly so. Today was one of those mind-shifting days, full of reflection and awe, gratitude and happiness. Walking 14km through the bush, I was once again reminded of the power of our awesome God. From the two beautiful friends walking beside me to the beautiful sights we experienced... from the magnificent rocky outcrops to the flowing waterfalls, from the green leaves to the orange flowers, from the warm sunshine to the cool breeze, from the chirping birds to the constant refrain of steady footsteps (at least most of the time)... It is all a reminder of the creation God has placed us in and the joy we can receive from His handiwork.

But my reflections of the day don't stop there. Today I faced one of my nightmares and visited a haunted place. You can read about why Serpentine Falls is one of my 'fears' here. Okay, so maybe that language is a bit strange. Let's just say that before today I hadn't revisited this place because the memories scare me. But today was different. I was happy to go back. I was ready to let go. I was willing to try to get over it. And I guess in a small way I did. No, those memories and flashbacks aren't gone forever. No, I will get more goosebumps if I go there again. No, I don't think that for me Serpentine Falls will ever be a simple waterfall and swimming hole. But I feel like I accomplished more than a great deal of exercise.

A text that immediately comes to mind is "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil 4:13). One of my favourites. Today it meant a lot. I reflect on what I did, and I did it with God's strength. I think about what I faced, and I faced it with God's strength. I look back on where I went, and I went there with God's strength. His care and guidance is real. As I sit here and write this post, the words of "Abide with Me" repeat themselves in my head. Life doesn't always need to be difficult, because with an all-powerful God we have strength. My happiness and joy comes from Him. And so I continue to pray for His abiding guidance. And as I continue to walk through life, I can live in the comfort that He abides with me. Life isn't just about me and my passions or worries; not just about what I am doing now, or what I will do tomorrow. Life is about living for God with God.

Monday, October 31, 2011


For the last few weeks (or even months) I have been busy with organising Byford Congress 2011. And now it's finished! An absolutely epically crazy weekend,
which involved running around catering for and entertaining approx 70 youth.

I thought about a number of questions in relation to our topic, and I would love to write all about what it means to be a member of a covenant congregation... but unfortunately I missed out on the speeches and discussions, so perhaps I will leave that to someone else. Nevertheless, I had a good weekend and it wasn't too stressful :) And although I'm glad it's over, I have some great memories that will be treasured forever (the least of all dancing on a table and singing (or yelling) at the top of my voice... or going on a high without any sugar... or being silly in the photo booth... or laughing about nothing funny... or getting flowers for my birthday... or the list can go on but I'll stop there before it gets too embarrasing).

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Stealing, Thankfulness, and Trust

Today I was reminded once again of the small things. Small things in life which make a huge difference. One of the teachers at my prac school, who is close friends with the teacher in my class, had her USB flash drive stolen. Big deal right? Well, it was in her computer, on her desk, while she was teaching, with lots of kids in the classroom, and it disappeared. It becomes a big deal when a year's worth of planning, programming, marking, results etc are on that usb. If it isn't a lesson in trust, then it's a lesson in backing up work to various places. But at the same time, I could feel the panic and distraught emotion of that teacher- can you imagine all your year's work gone?!? All those marks that you'll never get back, five weeks before reports are due... All those programs and lessons that you spent hours planning... The value of that little usb was much more then her $150 purse and its contents.

Times like these make you thankful for trust. There are so many people in my life that I can trust. I can trust them with secrets. I can trust them with my property. I can trust that they care and love. But most of all I can trust my heavenly Father- He is the greatest one to confide in, to tell my secrets, to look to for care and love. He gives me my possessions, and blesses me with so much more than I need. And all the work that I've done will be blessed by Him. That's a pretty wonderful thought in this broken world.

The teacher got her usb back undamaged. Something she was very grateful for. But now there will always be a rift between her and the student who will now need to pay the consequences for her irresponsible and disrespectful actions. The trust isn't there- and now my class also has to be more careful and wary with valuables. Something small can make a huge difference in life- in the way we deal with one another, in our relationships with people, and in the way we treat our possessions and valuable property. And so I am thankful for trustworthy people. I hope and pray that I may be a trustworthy person, and that my relationships with everyone can continue to be based on mutual respect and trust. I pray that despite the sin that is so prevalent in this world, God's Name will continue to be revered through my relationships with others.

I am thankful for the promises of God, and that He will always be reliable. I can confide everything in Him, a forgiving and gracious God! The sacrifice of Christ is and must continue to be treasured and valued far beyond anything of this world. It is worth far more than a year's programs and marks. For nothing will seperate us from His love, from His protection, from His gracious care, from His saving grace. Nothing can steal that from me. And that's the greatest riches of all.

Monday, October 17, 2011

1 Samuel 17

So... I had to write an intro for coming Friday night club. Why not make it into an extremely long blog post, seeing as I haven't blogged for a while? ;) Some prepstudy for you Camille ;)

Do you ever have to face giants? By that I mean, do you ever have to face daunting tasks? Are there times in your life when you feel like shrinking back into your little hole, stressed out to the max, but just willing to bide time until, hopefully, some miracle happens and all the worries and pain just disappear? I’m pretty sure all of us can say that at some time or another, we’ve had to face giants. Big mountains need climbing. Big obstacles need shifting. When life on the fast track turns into a somersaulting, fire engulfed, crashing mess, it almost seems like we die, even if it’s just for a short while. Other times, we feel we can’t keep going- the giant is too big to even consider fighting.

In 1 Sam 17, we read of a giant. But we read of more than a giant. We read of God’s character- His mercy, His strength, His power, His majesty, His jealousy, His eternal plan of redemption, His people, His Name, His glory, His battle. God reveals Himself to us through the well known story of a boy and a giant. A battle that was more than an inexperienced youth killing a huge warrior- it was a mighty God showing His power in the battle against the devil and his hosts.

David’s concern was for the hallowing of God’s Name by all people. By defying the army of Israel, Goliath was blaspheming the name of God. And by running from Goliath in fear, Saul and the men of Israel were also guilty of causing God’s Name to be blasphemed. Saul forgot that the battle is the Lord’s, that victory or defeat was in God’s hands. But we see a contrast in David- in him was the power, honour and glory of God- it was more than a ruddy boy running toward Goliath. Advancing toward the giant is the instrument God has chosen to use in the battle against Goliath, against Satan, against the forces of darkness. David has zeal and love for God. The Lord’s enemies are his enemies; he hates those who hate the Lord. He lived by faith, and enters this battle in faith.

David found His confidence not in Himself but in God- the same God who had shown His power in the past, and who would show to the people again that there is a living God in Israel. He fixed his eyes not on the problem, but the Problem-solver. The battle was the Lord’s. David could be sure of victory against Goliath because he was anointed by the Holy Spirit to be king over Israel. But the best news is that the same Spirit has been given to us. As Christians, we too are anointed, and as kings we are called to fight against sin and the devil in this life. Conflict is inevitable. But we look forward to the victory, and reigning with Christ, as we confess in LD 12. We may not give up the fight.

What is the giant that challenges you? The enemy is all around us, for we wrestle against principalities, powers, the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph 6:13). But we’ve been given weapons to fight. Are you still fighting against all sin in your life? We can not and may not give up the fight. Often we are more like Saul, depending on our own abilities, wanting to run away, becoming afraid. We might look at our track record and think there’s no point. The devil reminds us of how we’ve failed so many times before... so why would today be any different? He laughs, tells us we’ll never win. But is that the voice we should be listening to? Can we ever give up the fight? When our confidence rests in the God, and the power of Christ’s resurrection, then we are going to get up and try again. For, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). We have confidence of victory in the Spirit. And we must put our confidence in God alone.

We are in the same age-long struggle between God and Satan that David was involved in. Peace is won eventually, not by denying the giants that are there, but by facing and dealing with them. God supplies the victory. Satan still hates and attacks the people of God, he still seeks to destroy the church with conflicts. But once more, God defeats the enemy without sword or spear. He uses a cross and grave- what is weak- to put the strong to shame. He uses His Son, dying on the cross and arising from the grave, to defeat the powers of darkness. The battle is the Lord’s. And so is the victory. He gives us the victory of His Son. He gives us the power of the Spirit. He gives us the faith to fight, to face our enemies, to triumph over evil. Conflict with giants is inevitable. But the victory is the Lord’s. And thanks be to Him, that we may share in that glorious victory.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This is simply an unbelievably powerful and mind-blowing movie.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Today was a very humbling day. It started with a rush to get to the train on time. It ended with an extremely long and delayed train ride home. I guess my whole day was a bit of a train ride.
The first jolt came with an email from my tutor- I needed to see her asap about an assignment because it needs to be resubmitted. That got me nervous. Turns out the nerves weren't for nothing- I have a lot of work to do. I have to rewrite an entire assignment just to make a pathetic 14/40 into a lousy 15/40. When I went to her office I was a nervous wreck. I came out an emotional wreck that had been blown into pieces. But at least she was kind enough to talk to me and give me lots of guidance, rather than just fail me and leave it like that. This experience made me think a lot.

I tend to think (at least before today) that I've never really failed before- false, I fail every day, I fail to please God and do His will, I fail to live up to His Name, I fail to obey His commandments, and I fail to fulfill all my obligations. It's pretty humbling to know that I thought I could pass everything- and yet I constantly fail in what means the most in life to me.

I'd like to think I put in every effort to complete this assignment and it was my best work- false, I didn't use my time or talents to the best of my ability. It's pretty humbling to realise that I thought I did 'good enough'- and yet aiming for 'good enough' just isn't good enough- because God wants our all.

How often do we reach out to someone who's 'failed' in life, or who's 'failed' to live up to our expectations? How often do we leave them with their failings? It's pretty humbling to know that my tutor was kind enough to 'rescue' me from that pit and put me back on track, and even offer me a 75 for the unit.
But it's even more humbling to know that God was willing to rescue me from all my failures, those personally against Himself, those which I commit day after day. Thankfully I don't have to write a perfect assignment, because I can't. And He didn't just offer an extra week, or another go, He did it Himself- Christ bore hellish agony so I can be saved. Every time I fall into that pit of failure, He takes me out and puts me on the road to life again. How amazing that such negativity can turn into positive rejoicing because of the One who I fail the most.

The rest of my day? The train ride continued. And this post was hard enough to write, so I'll stop there.

Today I was humbled. Even that's pretty hard to take in sometimes. But God will work it to my good as He has promised. I pray that it will be a lesson for me, and that I may continue to glorify Him in everything.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Joy and Vines

Grape vines bring 'supposed' joy to many people- at least after fermentation and some years in a cellar. But joy is more than an occassional outward display of emotion or a drunken, happy shout. It is a continual, inward sense of peace, contentment, happiness in the heart and soul- coming from our relationship with God, not any circumstances impacting our life as such- and this sense of joy then translates to a life of smiles and praise.

In John 15, Jesus teaches about how His is the vine, and through grace we are grafted into Him as branches. But with privilege comes responsibility- we must bear good fruit or else we will be cut off. Abiding in Christ doesn't mean living a life of simple pleasures and feeding off His riches only to bear rotten grapes, or no fruit at all. In verse 11, Christ teaches "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full". We receive our joy from God, and He also desires our rejoicing. We can have fullness of joy in the knowledge that Christ is our source of life, so long as we fruitfully keep His commandments.

The Psalms teach a lot about our reason for joy:
Ps 5:11- because God defends those who trust in Him
Ps 16:11- joy and pleasure is found at God's right hand
Ps 19:8- the heart receives joy from God's statutes
Ps 28:7- a trusting heart receives joy because our helping God is a strength and shield
Ps 33:4- shout for joy because God's word is truth, righteousness, just and good
And there is so much more.
Even when times are tough, God provides joy (Ps 30:5). Fullness of joy means that even through adversity, when we have a consistent relationship with Christ, we will manage. We can receive continual strength from Him, no matter our circumstances.
We may rejoice in the wonderful characteristics of our triune God. We may have inward peace in the comfort He gives; happy hearts in the riches He imparts; a strong confidence in the care He shows; a thankful countenance doing His commandments out of thankfulness for the blessings He bestows.

As branches grafted into the true vine, there is no reason for being bare or taking our time to ferment in darkness. We must continue to joyfully bear fruit in the assurance and joy He gives to us, living joyful lives in His service.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Capturing the Sun

Today I wasted my time looking through some old photos. And at times I'm pretty proud of my photography skills (albeit with a 'normal' camera). This is a collection of sunrise/sunset pics I've taken over the past couple years (in Albany). I am continually amazed at God's creation, and these photos are evidence of His glory. How often do we stop and reflect on how great our providential Father is? How often do we reflect on how awesome it is that the sun rises and sets each day according to the order God planned, created, and continues to uphold?

This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it (Ps 118:24)

Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth (Ecc 12:1)

He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust (Matt 5:45)

Come and let us walk in the light of the LORD (Isa 2:5)

The LORD is my light and my salvation (Ps 27:1)

The righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father (Matt 13:43)

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (Eph 5:8)

Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day (2 Cor 4:16)

Let those who love Him be like the sun when it comes out in full strength (Jdg 5:31)

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! Give thanks to Him who made the great lights... the sun to rule by day... the moon and stars to rule by night, for His mercy endures forever (Ps 136: 1, 7-9)

Thursday, September 1, 2011


"Rejocing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer"
- Romans 12:12

It can be really hard to remain patient. There are things we look forward to, things we "can't wait for". There are things we wish were behind us, or that are dealt with at the click of our fingers. For me, life has taken a few difficult turns lately. Sometimes it's hard to take things in my stride, to 'live with it'. But at the same time, I guess I've learned some patience, although it's not perfected yet. And these struggles are not beyond what I can handle, and God's promises of protection and care remain. That is my confidence. He is still there. He is helping me through it all. He is teaching me patience.

In that sense, it isn't all about 'living with it', but rather recognising the opportunities God gives. Thinking about the good rather than the bad. Being thankful for the gifts received, rather than longing for more. For instance, I am thankful that I am not suffering for the faith, or under political persecution. I can still recieve daily comfort from God's Word and can cast my burdens on Him in prayer.

Ultimately we will suffer trials, but this life is only a beginning of a greater future. We are to use our time on this earth to glorify God; that is our aim. When life throws curveballs, we must use this also to bear fruit to His glory: to be patient, willing to forgive and love our neighbour, to persevere in the race of faith, to acknowledge God's hand in everything in life, to wait for answers to our prayers, to realise God's great character, to rejoice in the hope He gives of a glorious future. As we comprehend His love in Christ, we will find the courage to continue living a fruitful and happy life.

There is one thing that is the greatest longing. We must and can have "patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thess 1:3). He is faithful.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


The real dictionary...
Avoidable: What a bull fighter tries to do
Baloney: Where some hemlines fall
Bernadette: The act of torching a mortgage
Eclipse: What a Cockney barber does for a living
Goodbye: A bargain
Hatchet: What a hen does to an egg
Heroes: What a guy in a boat does
Ideal person: A card player that wants to deal every time
Lad: A short ladder
Left bank: What the robber did when his bag was full of loot
Mistletoe: Any animal missing a toe
Moron: Someone that spent all night studying for a blood test
Negative feedback: One result of seasickness
Paradox: Two physicians
Parasites: What you see from the top of the Eiffel tower
Polygon: A parrot that got away
Relief: What trees do in spring
Vitamin: What you do when someone comes to your house
Writer: One who corrects a wrong

One question for you: What's the real definition of procrastination?
Oh, and I'm not really that bad... I did finish my assignment due today :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Little Things

How often in life do we think about the little things? Perhaps we're too ignorant, or maybe constantly unaware, but I feel sometimes we neglect the little stuff. Not as prominent or important maybe?

Well, the past couple of days made me think about the small things in life. At the moment I'm typing with nine fingers, and I really miss the tenth. I can't play the piano properly. I can't write neatly. I can't hold my coffee mug normally. I can't clench my right fist (and when you want to stretch your fingers that's annoying). I can't carry as much. And there's lots more that I can't do (or can't do properly) with only nine fingers. Strange? I thought so, but a soccer ball can really knock out a finger for a while. So whilst nursing my poor finger I was thinking about how so many things are taken for granted, how much we miss the little things in life but that make life so much easier, or that makes life 'normal'. How true it is that as soon as we can't have or use something then we realise how much we 'need' it. Could I survive with nine fingers? Yeah, but ten is a lot better...

God created man with ten fingers and ten toes, all for a reason. When you consider the intricate detail of even a finger (yes that does seem kinda weird, but that's me for you) then you can see an amazing Creator behind it all. And now my finger is healing, just like that. There's still a bruise, but that will most probably disappear within the next few days, and I'll get full strength (hopefully) back soon. I didn't even need to go to the doctor (although I wanted a legitimate excuse for having a sore finger... but I thought too much about my bank account). Pretty cool. And then I'll be able to use that finger again for all those strange, mundane things life is made of.

Now that's only a finger. What else is there that we miss?

Thursday, August 18, 2011


“Let your gentleness be known to all men. The LORD is at hand” (Phil 4:5).

What is gentleness? The dictionary gives the obvious definition: kind; not violent; mild. And this certainly relates to gentleness. But as Christians, there is so much more to gentleness. Because we know God. We know Christ. And we know the true manifestation of gentleness. Not only must we avoid violence and rough behaviour, but we are to treat others with utmost respect.

There isn’t just a negative aspect to the fruits of the Spirit- showing love doesn’t just mean avoiding hate; being peaceful doesn’t just mean avoiding conflict; and in the same way, being gentle doesn’t just mean avoiding the ugly, unkind stuff. Being gentle is an active trait. Jerry Bridges defines gentleness in this way: “It is the recognition that the human personality is valuable but fragile and must be handled with care... (it) will demonstrate respect for the personal dignity of the other person... It takes strength, God’s strength to be truly gentle”.

God’s revelation of Himself is amazing. And His wonderful character includes gentleness. As Christ say, “Come to Me all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matt 11:28-29). We have the promise of rest. And we also have the promise of guidance. “He (God) found him (His people) in a desert land... He encircled him, He instructed him, He kept Him as the apple of His eye” (Deut 32:10).

What will we do with this? “Let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible (unfading) beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious to the sight of God” (1 Pet 3:4). We are precious to Him, for we are the apple of God’s eye- what a beautiful promise! But God’s promises also come with obligations. As God says, “Keep My commands and live, and my law as the apple of your eye” (Prov 7:2). So we must be gentle. We must clothe ourselves in gentleness. We must show that we love. Show that we care. Show our respect. We must avoid being quick to condemn but instead be open and understanding, willing to help, encouraging, sensitive and considerate. We must remember to acknowledge people as people, as God’s image, and as the apple of His eye.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Joey came home from school needing something to trade for points. Don't ask me how that all works. But he enlisted my help and this was what he took to school...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Peace of Fruit

World peace is everyone's goal, the dreams of celebrities, the focus of a world in conflict. The problem: Where are we looking? The wrong place it seems.

We all worry. I can say that with confidence. We all have anxieties, our troubles, ouir 'life-controlling problems'. Bad news seems to be the only news worth writing about or reporting. But if we search for the true Good News, then peace might seem a reachable goal. As Paul writes in Romans 5, "Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God". Quoting Jerry Bridges, "Peace with God, then, is the foundation of peace within ourselves and peace with other people... We must pursue what makes for peace, both within and without, in dependence upon the Holy Spirit, realizing that the fruit of peace is His fruit, not ours... It is His work to produce peace within you. Your responsibility is to come in prayer, asking for the peace and looking to Him for it".

Not only can we desire peace, we can have it! The rich promises of our Triune God are amazing, yet even better is that we can see the fruits of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives now. Bring your anxieties to God in prayer. He will work peace in you, personal peace which translates into peace with men.

How do we show the fruit of peace? By being a piece of fruit.
- How do you solve your worries? Do you bring them to God or do you fret over petty issues? Are you a sour lemon, forever complaining and putting others in a bad mood by your attitude and actions? Or a orange with a thick skin that humbly and trustfully casts your burdens on the Gardener?
- How do you treat your fellow believers? Is there conflict or do you resolve to live as members of Christ's body, together in fellowship for the glory of God? Are you an individual pot plant in the dark recesses of an abandoned shed? Or part of a tree grafted in Christ and growing together in the light of God's promises?
- How do you deal with conflict? Do you blame others or take the initiative to restore peace? Are you part of the passionfuit gossip vine quick to blame the root of the problem? Or are you the tomato plant working with your basil neighbours to repel evil insects and improve each other's growth?
- How does your attitude reflect the Spirit working in you? Are you a prickly thorn with little need for sustenance and constantly spiking others? Or a strawberry bringing smiles and spreading the Good News everyone should hear?

In difficult times (we don't live in a perfect world so they will arise), remember your God. He will guard and keep you, protect you from the diseases of this world, and comfort you in the shelter of His wings.
"How oft in grief, Hath He not brought thee relief,
Spreading His wings to overshade thee" (Hymn 60:4)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Harvest Treasure

Where is your treasure? Locked up in the safe? Under your mattress? In the piggy bank? Pondering life's treasures, we can easily think of our materialistic society, our desire for more and better, and our affluence. But what do you do with your possessions? What is your desire in life: To spend your way to happiness?

Today I was reminded of our status on this earth. We are given a place to live and possessions to help us live. But these are not ours! Everything we have received (yes, received, for we in fact earn nothing, nor do we get it of our own accord), everything we have received is God's. He owns all things- and rightly so, for He created them all! Therefore it is our duty to use what He gives us in the right manner- to strive together as tenants of God's land and gifts- striving for God's glory and to promote the welfare of others. God will always give us all we need, and more.

"God, our Maker, will provide
All our wants to be supplied.
Let His people all confess
His unchanging faithfulness" (Hymn 57, BoP)

At the same time, as we bear fruit in our lives, we may look further than this life. Lay up treasures in heaven. Our riches on this earth won't get us very far. As aptly written on a gravestone:
'What I spent, I lost. What I saved, I left. What I gave, I have.'
Treasures in heaven will last, eternally. Often we may think living fruitful lives doesn't accomplish anything. But God promises more- He promises a rewarding future.

If we serve God with our possessions, then we won't lose anything but we will push forward, investing in the future. Sometimes we might think that we need our possessions all for ourself. However, we must place our complete trust in the Creator. It will take an act of faith, yet it is a sure deal! God guarantees it! So use your gifts! But use them wisely. Use them for God and for others. Sure, you can live, and you can live well. But don't get caught up in the materialism of this world. Look to the future and plant a field. And you will be guaranteed a full harvest. At the same time, be that plant. Live. Strive. Bear fruit. Grow.

"Lord of harvest grant that we
Pure and wholesome wheat may be.
Lord, we pray Thee, quickly come;
Bear Thy final harvest home.
Gather Thou Thy people in
Freed from sorrow, freed from sin.
They, forever purified,
In Thy presence will abide.
Come with all Thy angels, come;
Bear Thy glorious harvest home." (Hymn 57, BoP)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A New Favourite

This is a song I first heard at the Teacher's Conference; I'll let the song speak for itself.

Knowing God

I have just spent an amazing few days at the John Calvin Schools Teacher's Conference. Suffice to say, it was very inspiring and touched me greatly- all I want to do is start teaching... now. But I still have a while at uni, or maybe it won't be so long if they keep cancelling my classes. Anyways, some things from the conference will appear in various blog posts from time to time, especially those which relate to my 'miniseries' on fruit. Yes, I will keep that promise.

What picture do you have of the LORD? Who is God to you? This is a necessary question to reflect on when considering life. For if we don’t know who our God is, how will we live Christian lives? How can we believe in God and bear His Name (as Christians) if we don’t know Him? So then, how do we know God? Through His Word. To many that may seem obvious. But I think there is a lot more depth when we speak of ‘knowing God’. To know God doesn’t just mean to confess Him as the only, true, triune God. There is more to God’s character. And I believe there is something new to discover every morning anew.

There are certainly some characteristics which to the human mind are unfathomable; however I think we are continually given opportunities to discover who our God is. He has revealed Himself in His Word and in His creation. But how well do we read these two books? Consider Bible reading- how often do we reflect on what we read? I will be the first to admit that often it comes in one ear and goes straight out the other. But in order to spread the Word, skim reading as we rush to work, or taking less time because we desperately want to finish our book, isn’t enough. The Word must pass through us before we can pass it on. That means we must take it in. Let it fill our heart. And then maybe life won’t become a list of do’s and don’ts, but instead a joy and delight in doing God’s commandments. Don’t look at the ‘rules’ but at the God behind them.

Guess what Bible most people read? A Christian’s life. And if a Christian doesn’t reflect the light of God, then they rob God of His glory. Consider this phrase: ‘The greatest lessons aren’t spoken, but lived”. We won’t change other people’s lives until we walk the talk. Be a joyful Christian. Be a loving Christian community. This brings to mind another example: How do we speak about the church? Do we criticize certain congregations, ministers, leaders, people...? But think about Who is behind that church. Think about the church as the activity of Jesus Christ! Then will you be so quick to condemn?

What does this have to do with fruit? Not much. That was just my introductory spiel. There is so much we can learn about how to live life, but if we don’t recognise the awesome God Who is behind it all, I guess it becomes rather pointless. We can have a perfect life but that doesn’t mean much if we don’t believe and confess God as He really is. And I think that through deep meditation on His Word (which I may expand on later) we can find something new about God in every passage we read, every verse we meditate on, every time we look out of our car window, every time we open our eyes. His mercies are new every morning.

P.S. Just an interesting fact... the Top 10 jobs in 2010 didn't even exist in 2004. Shows how much the world is changing!

Friday, July 22, 2011

9 Fruits

9 Fruits? That's a lot of fibre!!! Yes it is. But I will stay away from the temptation (for now at least) to write a post all about fruit, in the sense of apples and oranges anyway. But I do want to write about our diet, our growth, our appearance, and our environment.

Today I was driving. No surprises there, that happens a lot. But one ad on the radio, actually make that a conversation on the radio shortly afterward, got me thinking. The ad was for an organisation called 9 Fruits, and don't ask me much more about it because I can't remember the ad that well. But the radio hosts' conversation went from a joke about eating 9 fruits a day to reinstating how it was talking about the 9 fruits of the Spirit.

So that gave me just a little bit of inspiration. You can call that a surprise, for somehow I don't think it happens all that often. Anyways, I decided that I must use that inspiration. Think about it. Tell it. And perhaps inspire others.
Hence, over the next few weeks I intend to blog about the 9 fruits of the Spirit... There have been many books written and many sermons delivered about these fruits, I'm sure. Nevertheless my aim is to search and discover for myself the riches we have, the opportunities we are given, and the life we should live, in relation to '9 Fruits'.

So, my opening reflective question is:
Compare yourself to an apple. Are you shiny on the outside but rotten at the core or bitter under the skin? Do you cling to your only source of life or do you hang loose, as close to the edge as you can? Do you recognise and take in the nutrients you are given, or do you live life on your own? How do you view the environment you live in?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

C What My Friends Can Do

I have amazing friends!!
Cook me pancakes...
Come out for dinner...
Crank the music and sing along...
Cause me to laugh- too often...

I love them for......
Champagne shots...
Crazy pool games...
Colouring my kite...
Christian character and openness...
Cute personalities and uniqueness...
Chatting and chatting and chatting... oh, and chatting...
Company, actually make that constant companionship...

And never ceasing to amaze me!
Cheers to many more wonderful times!!!

P.S. This is only a short list, and as I'm feeling rather uninspired I can't think of many more 'c' words. But thanks all for making my day! :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

A normal day- can there be such a thing?

Many things in life are normal. We have our routines and we rush around filling and fulfilling our lives. But some things in life are not usual. Take for instance the sunrise on Tuesday morning. The sight of a purple and pink sky out of the kitchen window was amazing. Add to that a clear rainbow with bright colours and an unfaltering arc. There are forecast storms and rather chilly conditions outside. Inside the stove warms the kitchen and ensures the porridge cooks.

When I need to get up at 430am to go to work, I suppose it’s not surprising that a magnificent sunrise makes my day. Later that evening, when driving down the worn highway back toward my hometown, the mist gathered in valleys and surrounded the trees. The rivers were flowing and at times the windscreen wipers needed to go on. The sun set in a much more forlorn style as dark clouds engulfed its light and it was swallowed by the horizon. And even this was no mistake.

Then when you combine that day, when my eyes were opened yet again to the beauty and surreal nature of God’s creation, we you combine it along with the rain Western Australia received over the past few days, it isn’t hard to acknowledge the control and wisdom of God. It’s almost impossible. He knows what we need, and He will provide. He is a God who remains true to His promises. He will never destroy the world with the flood, but rather showers the earth with blessings. In an age when the world is showing decay, when climate change and global warming are hot topics, when politics is encroached by carbon tax discussions, we have a greater hope. We know there is a higher authority, in greater control, the One who holds this earth in the palm of His hand.

As we confess in LD 10, God’s providence is His almighty and ever-present power whereby as with His hand He controls and governs all things so that... all things come not by chance but by His fatherly hand.

Will waking up at 430am ever seem normal? I suppose it just might become one of those things that make up my daily routine. But I sure hope that I will continue to be amazed at the wonder of what each new day brings; the continual, undeserved, and beautiful blessings from our majestic God.

Sometimes things for us are unusual. But we may live in the joyful comfort that they are all governed by our gracious Father.

My Hometown: A Beauty Exam

This past week involved a visit to my hometown. It has been sicks months (gasp!). Most things look the same. There are a few changes, the most significant being surgery to North Rd, which has produced in my opinion a confusing eyeful of circular scars that are a pain in the neck. Add to that a makeover for Lockyer Avenue. The new look for the foreshore is making progress. The big roundabout grassy plants need a round of fertiliser or at least some eyebrow plucking. Apparently the nosey neighbours still know everything about everyone. The people are just as bad at driving, and still can’t use their indicators properly- perhaps increasing frustration in the face of slow speed limits, and annoyance at cheeky road users, are to blame. Or some people should err on the opposite side of caution and use their muscles more often. The foundation for a renovated Maccas has been discussed, and the people there still want me back. Regular Dylans patrons continue to brace for stomach-turning deliciousness. Ladies fashion must be the latest hip as BNT replaced Ed Harrys in the shopping complex. The bank staff have no more excuses for acting like accessorised chickens since Chooks closed; and by winging it, Baker’s Delight showed they only kneeded a break after elbowing their way into the Plaza. The library received a lick of paint although the side pillars missed out on a new coating of fuchsia lipstick. Locals have their fingers crossed at the prospect of two toy sales in coming weeks, and Officeworks has upgraded its likeability by selling take-out coffees. Small businesses continue to suffer sore blows as the larger cream-of-the-crop companies continue to bare their teeth. A final nail polished off the coffin of a dreamy, country town when the local paper publipped some jaw-dropping statistics about the many awards the new entertainment centre received, despite costing the city what my mother would refer to as ‘an arm and a leg’. Eye suppose Albany will just have to toe the line.

Excuse the pun. I say it all with tongue in cheek.

P.S. How many references to body parts/beauty can you find in this post? :P

Thursday, June 16, 2011

More About The Church

Just for you Merinda :)
No, I did say I would post more on what we believe concerning the church, so here goes. I do this also to help sort it all out in my own head. Often topics like this can be rather full-on and difficult to completely understand. However, when really thinking about it and what our confessions (and Scripture) say, it is possible to see how truly blessed we are.

How blessed we are to have Christ as Head of the church who will preserve it to the end. How blessed we are to have a rich church history whereby we may further understand God's Word and its application. How blessed we are to confess a holy catholic Christian church. How blessed we are to have a shared faith by the Holy Spirit, through the true Word as proclaimed in our church.

A few more points to consider concerning the church:
- We don't believe in a holy catholic Christian church. But we believe a holy catholic Christian church. Why the difference? We don't trust, or put our faith, in the church. Rather we believe with our heart and profess with our mouth. We know it for sure (as God has revealed in His Word) and we proclaim its importance (being with the true Shepherd in His congregation).

- Those confessing Jesus are children of God and free in Him.
Those denying Jesus are children of Satan and slaves of him.

- We confess a congregation of believers. Not of the elect, for then we talk about the 'invisible' church- hereby running the risk of pluriformity (i.e. we can belong to any visible church as long as we belong to the greater invisible church). Having an 'invisible' church undermines the strive for both unity and purity in the church; instead we say there is no division between 'visible' and 'invisible' churches as such. Rather, the local churches are a manifestation of the catholic (universal) church. Therefore we must belong to the true church, as evident in the local church which shows the three marks (BC Art 29).

- The attributes of the church (holy, catholic, Christian, church) describe what the church is, its essence. The marks of the church are the distinguishing features pointing to where the true church can be found, its existence.

- As church we must be fighting knights and shining lights. The antithesis established between the church and the world is often seen in a very negative sense. This comes from the term 'antithesis' being viewed as 'against'. But compare the opposite, 'sythesis', which means 'compromise' or in this context being willing to compromise or establish friendship with the world and worldly lusts. Then we see that not only must we (as collective church and individual believers) be separate from the world, but also do the opposite of compromise- we must spiritually fight! The antithesis in a positive sense indicates a Christian conviction, an attitude to fight.

- Compromise with sin is not promising. Rather we must resist the devil (our obligation) and he will flee (God's promise).

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What Is The Church???

The church is the triune God's:

  • Covenant people: We are the flock of the Good Shepherd. As an assembly, we are called together as a 'congregation', literally meaning 'together flock'. The Shepherd brings His flock together, to worship and praise God. This flock is gathered from all nations sharing in the promise to Abraham. We confess a Catholic (worldwide, universal) church. The church is God's people of the covenant promise and obligations; called to worship and obey (literally to 'hear' or 'listen' to) the Word; to proclaim and uphold the Word as pillar and ground of the truth; the field which God causes to grow and the building which is being built up (edified) through active, living members.

  • Redeemed people: 'Church' literally means 'of Christ'. We confess a Christian church: Christ is Head of the church, it is His church. The church is a congregation redeemed by the blood of Christ; assembly atoned by God's mercy in Christ; citizens of God's kingdom ruled by Christ; the body of Christ; a communion of saints in communion to Christ.

  • Holy people: "Ecclesia", a Greek word also referring to the church, literally means 'out-calling'. God calls His people 'out' to come together. We confess a Holy church: dedicated to reflect God's holiness; set apart by God's grace to praise Him; consecrated people endowed with the Holy Spirit; who are individually and collectively temples of the Holy Spirit; holding up the banner of the Word in living a faithful life that reflects their living faith.

  • As a reflective question: Do we uphold the true name of what we confess to be the church?

    P.S. More to follow on the 'true' church and how we view the local/catholic or visible/invisible church...

    Monday, May 30, 2011


    On Friday I finished uni for the semester. So I'm on holidays!! Free time! Yay!
    On Saturday I went to my first hens night... Was lots of fun, and now it's only five days to the wedding! Time better fly.
    Yesterday our family got a free dog. Except we had to give it back. So we only had a dog for a few hours. Nevertheless, I think that's pretty good for our family... Now we need to wait for the twins to finish their exams; apparently then we'll look for another dog. All in due time I guess.
    Today I started my new job. So much to think about! But I think I'll get there eventually :) It might take a bit of time to get used to, but I suppose that's what happens. We'll see how tomorrow goes... :)

    Thursday, May 26, 2011


    So... my last uni class for the semester is tomorrow. And it's on poetry. And I must bring three, yes THREE, poems to class... forgive me Mum if this isn't correct but I don't really remember many poems from when I was younger... regardless of that, I will never ever forget this one... Plus who doesn't like Roald Dahl?!?

    As soon as Wolf began to feel
    That he would like a decent meal,
    He went and knocked on Grandma's door.
    When Grandma opened it, she saw
    The sharp white teeth, the horrid grin,
    And Wolfie said, 'May I come in?'
    Poor Grandmamma was terrified,
    'He's going to eat me up!' she cried.
    And she was absolutely right.
    He ate her up in one big bite.

    But Grandmamma was small and tough,
    And Wolfie wailed, 'That's not enough!
    I haven't yet begun to feel
    That I have had a decent meal!'
    He ran around the kitchen yelping,
    'I've got to have a second helping!'

    Then added with a frightful leer,
    'I'm therefore going to wait right here
    Till Little Miss Riding Hood
    Comes home from walking in the wood.'

    He quickly put on Grandma's clothes,
    (Of course he hadn't eaten those).
    He dressed himself in coat and hat.
    He put on shoes, and after that,
    He even brushed and curled his hair,
    Then sat himself in Grandma's chair.

    In came the little girl in red.
    She stopped. She stared. And then she said,
    'What great big eyes you have, Grandma.'
    'All the better to hear you with,'
    The Wolf replied.
    'What great big eyes you have, Grandma.'
    Said Little Red Riding Hood.
    'All the better to see you with,'
    The Wolf replied.

    He sat there watching her and smiled.
    He thought, I'm going to eat this child.
    Compared with her old Grandmamma,
    She's going to taste like caviar.

    Then Little Red Riding Hood said,
    'But Grandma, what a lovely great big furry coat you have on.'
    'That's wrong!' cried Wolf.
    'Have you forgot
    To tell me waht BIG TEETH I've got?
    Ah well, no matter what you say,
    I'm going to eat you anyway.'

    The small girl smiles. One eyelid flickers.
    She whips a pistol from her knickers.
    She aims it at the creature's head,
    And bang bang bang she shoots him dead.

    A few weeks later, in the wood,
    I came across Miss Riding Hood.
    But what a change! No cloak of red,
    No silly hood upon her head.
    She said, 'Hello, and do please note
    My lovely furry wolfskin coat.'

    P.S. Happy 80th Birthday Oma! May God continue to bless you in the coming year!
    P.P.S. No correlation between the poem and the 'P.S.' :) Purely coincedental.

    Friday, May 20, 2011

    My Weird Day

    Under the influence of stressful uni assignments, rain and coffee...

    So I'm having a bit of a grey day. Mixed feelings. One eye open from coffee, the other half asleep. Snuggled in a new hoodie, music playing, and trying to type an assignment. Loving the rain, pity I don't have the time or energy to go and dance in it... :)

    Thankfully only one week of the uni semester to go...

    Tuesday, May 17, 2011

    It Rained Today!!

    Rain. Something I hadn't seen in a while. I was glad to bid it farewell when I left Albany. Now I wish I didn't think so badly of it. So sad when a water fall looks like this:

    And I can also tell you we sat on that dry bed of rock. And it was sad. Sadness for the fact that water 'should' be beautifully cascading down the rocks... when we had to pretend by pouring it from a water bottle... which only trickled a couple of metres before slowly disappearing because of the quenching yet glorious sun rays.

    There's something about patiently (or not so patiently) longing for a 'simple' thing like rain... Because with patience comes an increased understanding of how great our God is. Who are we to question the weather? It makes you remember your dependence on the Provider and Sustainer of the universe, who controls all things. How marvellous that we can rest in His hands, knowing that He will provide all our needs in due time. We must humbly rely on the capable hands of our Creator.

    Today I saw threatening dark clouds. A beautiful sight in itself (and no I never thought when jogging on the beach in Albany that it could ever be beautiful). And those clouds brought what the land badly needs. It rained.

    It was so BEAUTIFUL!! The sound of raindrops on a tin roof have never sounded so good. To put things in perspective, this is the first rain of May. The average rainfall for May is 117ml. More shocking, the average year-to-date rainfall at the end of May is 203mL and so far this year Perth has only had 50mL of rain. We're still a long way away from that average. It could be a dry year.

    So what now? I thank God for the rain; and I continue in my prayerful petitions that He will continue to bless this land with more nourishing rain. I pray that I will continue to trust His goodness, and rely on His power and will. And I pray that this lack of rain, and the blessing of rain such as felt today, may draw more people to recognise and appreciate His glorious work.

    P.S. It's been a while since I posted some photos. Here's a couple pics of more beauty at John Forrest National Park ;) (photo compliments to Merinda!)

    Merinda, Me, Chantelle, Carla and Marissa

    ... before we went on our long walk...

    ... I only had water to drink, seriously...

    ... the Old Railway Tunnel...

    ... self timer...

    Wednesday, May 11, 2011

    Did You Know?

    Did you know that...
    - I have four uni assignments due this week?
    - I have only finished one of them?
    - And I completely made up each of the 1880 words?
    - I love catching up with friends?
    - Chocolate is delish?
    - The engagement party on Friday was a blast?
    - I can cook yummy enchiladas?
    - I pulled a neck/shoulder muscle?
    - It took me an hour to get out of bed on Monday?
    - I can't keep my head on straight?
    - 77 x 7 is 539?
    - I looooove music because it keeps me semi-sane?
    - Raisin toast is my new friend?
    - I applied for another job?

    - I have no idea why there's a gap above this point?
    - I have a new sister?
    - I get to play tennis tomorrow?
    - I can be really random???

    Wednesday, May 4, 2011

    Dear blank, please blank

    I have found another site that is great for procrastinating. Admittedly it is a little crude at times, but other times it makes me laugh way too much. Here are some good ones. It's a bit sad I had to choose only a few for this post :)

    Dear ants,
    Do you ever feel like you have people in your pants?
    Sincerely, curious

    Dear Superman,
    I feel your pain, we are scared of rocks too.
    Sincerely, scissors

    Dear Board of Education,
    So are we.
    Sincerely, students everywhere

    Dear "A" key,
    Please stop being so close to the cPS LOCK KEY.
    Sincerely, so NNOYING!

    Dear "my dog ate my homework",
    You've been replaced.
    Sincerely, "my printer broke."

    Dear incompetent flight attendant,
    "Hi, Jack" isn't the same as "hijack."
    Sincerely, was only greeting a friend

    Dear 72-hour deodorant,
    Sincerely, shower

    Dear peanut butter and jelly,
    Why doesn't anyone ever mention me?
    Sincerely, bread

    Thursday, April 28, 2011

    Mark Schultz - What It Means To Be Loved.wmv

    I was listening to this on the radio and for some reason it almost brought tears to my eyes. It didn't make for a happy driver behind me either... because I missed the speed limit change...

    Wednesday, April 27, 2011

    Weekend Musings

    Easter. Time to reflect on the suffering of our Lord and Saviour. A joyful time where we can remember not only Christ's bitter and shameful death on the cross, but also His glorious resurrection. How blessed we are to live in the comfort this brings, and despite the battle we still fight, we can live in the peace that Christ has won the victory for us.

    Anzac Day. Time to reflect on the suffering of soldiers. A sad time where we remember those soldiers who have fought and continue to fight for our country Australia. How blessed we are to live in a free country, and despite wars raging across the world, we can live in peace.

    Thursday, April 21, 2011

    Wednesday, April 20, 2011

    I Think

    So, I haven't posted for a week. I was in the middle of a song challenge, which has kinda petered out... And I have been busy thinking. Waaaaaayyyyy too much thinking. Sometimes it makes me sad. Sometimes it makes me angry. Sometimes it makes me happy. Thoughts tend to stir up more thoughts too. Thoughts. Thoughts. Thoughts. And when I think too much, I think too much. In other words, I shouldn't think that much. I don't think so anyway. How strange is thinking?

    So, what am I thinking? is probably the question.
    About Albany. And how much I want to visit. Except June is looking like my first lot of free time when I can. It's a little sad.

    About my awesome friends who are just so supportive, encouraging, inspiring and beautiful. You know who you are, and you're awesome. Even just hanging around, talking, and spending time (the little free time we have) together. The deep conversations and the not so meaningful ones. And just for being there. Truly blessed. It's amazing happy.

    About my family. Having been gone for a week today, I never knew I would actually miss them that much. Miss the company. Coming home to an empty house, having to cook dinner and do the washing and cleaning and dishes and locking up and tidying and driving and the list goes on isn't half as great. Except I ran out of things to say so that's why I ended the list there. At the same time a bit of freedom and quiet is nice for a change. So I'm still undecided if it's a good thing or not. That's me anyways. Indecisive I mean. But I'm going to visit them over Easter weekend. In Dunsborough. It's happy and sad.

    About music. What to listen to and what not? Still a big question. But I just discovered Brad Paisley, country singer with a great voice and some nice songs too. When I Get Where I'm Going. Farther Along. Find Yourself. Little Moments. Inspirational? Dunno. I try to make it.

    About lots of other things. But this post is already too long. I think.

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011

    Day 11- Song from your Favourite Band

    I promised I would try and share this song sometime later in the challenge. Well, here it is. My favourite band at the moment. And one of my favourite songs. If you get bored, look up some more of their songs. Absolutely fantastic. Comforting and inspiring at the same time. Beautiful.

    Day 10- Song you can Fall Asleep to

    The reason I chose this song is not because it's dead boring and hence my eyes droop closed. Rather it's what I often fall asleep listening to because that's what I chose to play on my CD player. It's very calming and peace provoking just before falling asleep. Ultimately it's God that provides that peace and the comfort that everything is alright. And if it isn't somewhere in this world, it will be in the world to come. Which we can taste now already.

    Day 9- Song you can Dance to

    G'Day!! I don't dance very often. Make that never. So this was a bit hard. Hence the very inspiring song choice (not)!! I was belting this out with my younger siblings just this evening during their bath. And I can easily dance to it. My all time favourite Australian country song. I love the Aussie classics and every now and then it's good to listen to them and remember with pride the country I belong to.

    Day 8- Song you know the words to

    I have a few songs to catch up on, so this is the first of four I'm posting today. This song plays quite often on the radio at the moment, and I love it. We must also remember that not only must we hold on, but more importantly God will hold on to us, and then the clouds will move faster. Always. Waht glorious hope we have. God's love is amazing!

    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    Day 6- Reminds You of Somewhere

    It's cold. It's cloudy. It's raining. It's familiar. It's memories.

    Days like this remind me of my old home. But I am thankful that I still have a home. It still feels a bit like a new home, even though it's been an old home for three months now. I have a family, a wider Christian family, and the greatest family of friends one could ever hope for. And in that sense I will always have a home.

    And at the same time, I am looking forward to an even greater home.

    It's not the darkest day. Because His arms hold the universe.

    And His grace will lead me home.

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    Day 5- Reminds You of Someone

    For all my special, true friends

    It's nothing anyone can see

    It's just a forever feeling

    That lives in the heart of me

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    Day 4- A Song that Makes You Sad

    • I don't think this is a very positive title again, hence why I chose this song. The reason it makes me sad is because I remember the movie it comes from... A Walk to Remember. Still one of my favourite movies, but also one of the saddest. At the same time, the song itself isn't a heart-wrenching song as such. Reminiscing and slightly tear-jerking yet it still has a glimmer of strength for the future... And in the context of the movie it's so much better. Anyways, the rest the song says for itself.

    • P.S. Not a real inspiring Christian song, but I prefer those when they're joyful and thankful and inspiring in that sense rather than gloomy-not saying they haven't their place either- but hopefully that makes a little sense...