Monday, October 31, 2011


For the last few weeks (or even months) I have been busy with organising Byford Congress 2011. And now it's finished! An absolutely epically crazy weekend,
which involved running around catering for and entertaining approx 70 youth.

I thought about a number of questions in relation to our topic, and I would love to write all about what it means to be a member of a covenant congregation... but unfortunately I missed out on the speeches and discussions, so perhaps I will leave that to someone else. Nevertheless, I had a good weekend and it wasn't too stressful :) And although I'm glad it's over, I have some great memories that will be treasured forever (the least of all dancing on a table and singing (or yelling) at the top of my voice... or going on a high without any sugar... or being silly in the photo booth... or laughing about nothing funny... or getting flowers for my birthday... or the list can go on but I'll stop there before it gets too embarrasing).

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Stealing, Thankfulness, and Trust

Today I was reminded once again of the small things. Small things in life which make a huge difference. One of the teachers at my prac school, who is close friends with the teacher in my class, had her USB flash drive stolen. Big deal right? Well, it was in her computer, on her desk, while she was teaching, with lots of kids in the classroom, and it disappeared. It becomes a big deal when a year's worth of planning, programming, marking, results etc are on that usb. If it isn't a lesson in trust, then it's a lesson in backing up work to various places. But at the same time, I could feel the panic and distraught emotion of that teacher- can you imagine all your year's work gone?!? All those marks that you'll never get back, five weeks before reports are due... All those programs and lessons that you spent hours planning... The value of that little usb was much more then her $150 purse and its contents.

Times like these make you thankful for trust. There are so many people in my life that I can trust. I can trust them with secrets. I can trust them with my property. I can trust that they care and love. But most of all I can trust my heavenly Father- He is the greatest one to confide in, to tell my secrets, to look to for care and love. He gives me my possessions, and blesses me with so much more than I need. And all the work that I've done will be blessed by Him. That's a pretty wonderful thought in this broken world.

The teacher got her usb back undamaged. Something she was very grateful for. But now there will always be a rift between her and the student who will now need to pay the consequences for her irresponsible and disrespectful actions. The trust isn't there- and now my class also has to be more careful and wary with valuables. Something small can make a huge difference in life- in the way we deal with one another, in our relationships with people, and in the way we treat our possessions and valuable property. And so I am thankful for trustworthy people. I hope and pray that I may be a trustworthy person, and that my relationships with everyone can continue to be based on mutual respect and trust. I pray that despite the sin that is so prevalent in this world, God's Name will continue to be revered through my relationships with others.

I am thankful for the promises of God, and that He will always be reliable. I can confide everything in Him, a forgiving and gracious God! The sacrifice of Christ is and must continue to be treasured and valued far beyond anything of this world. It is worth far more than a year's programs and marks. For nothing will seperate us from His love, from His protection, from His gracious care, from His saving grace. Nothing can steal that from me. And that's the greatest riches of all.

Monday, October 17, 2011

1 Samuel 17

So... I had to write an intro for coming Friday night club. Why not make it into an extremely long blog post, seeing as I haven't blogged for a while? ;) Some prepstudy for you Camille ;)

Do you ever have to face giants? By that I mean, do you ever have to face daunting tasks? Are there times in your life when you feel like shrinking back into your little hole, stressed out to the max, but just willing to bide time until, hopefully, some miracle happens and all the worries and pain just disappear? I’m pretty sure all of us can say that at some time or another, we’ve had to face giants. Big mountains need climbing. Big obstacles need shifting. When life on the fast track turns into a somersaulting, fire engulfed, crashing mess, it almost seems like we die, even if it’s just for a short while. Other times, we feel we can’t keep going- the giant is too big to even consider fighting.

In 1 Sam 17, we read of a giant. But we read of more than a giant. We read of God’s character- His mercy, His strength, His power, His majesty, His jealousy, His eternal plan of redemption, His people, His Name, His glory, His battle. God reveals Himself to us through the well known story of a boy and a giant. A battle that was more than an inexperienced youth killing a huge warrior- it was a mighty God showing His power in the battle against the devil and his hosts.

David’s concern was for the hallowing of God’s Name by all people. By defying the army of Israel, Goliath was blaspheming the name of God. And by running from Goliath in fear, Saul and the men of Israel were also guilty of causing God’s Name to be blasphemed. Saul forgot that the battle is the Lord’s, that victory or defeat was in God’s hands. But we see a contrast in David- in him was the power, honour and glory of God- it was more than a ruddy boy running toward Goliath. Advancing toward the giant is the instrument God has chosen to use in the battle against Goliath, against Satan, against the forces of darkness. David has zeal and love for God. The Lord’s enemies are his enemies; he hates those who hate the Lord. He lived by faith, and enters this battle in faith.

David found His confidence not in Himself but in God- the same God who had shown His power in the past, and who would show to the people again that there is a living God in Israel. He fixed his eyes not on the problem, but the Problem-solver. The battle was the Lord’s. David could be sure of victory against Goliath because he was anointed by the Holy Spirit to be king over Israel. But the best news is that the same Spirit has been given to us. As Christians, we too are anointed, and as kings we are called to fight against sin and the devil in this life. Conflict is inevitable. But we look forward to the victory, and reigning with Christ, as we confess in LD 12. We may not give up the fight.

What is the giant that challenges you? The enemy is all around us, for we wrestle against principalities, powers, the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph 6:13). But we’ve been given weapons to fight. Are you still fighting against all sin in your life? We can not and may not give up the fight. Often we are more like Saul, depending on our own abilities, wanting to run away, becoming afraid. We might look at our track record and think there’s no point. The devil reminds us of how we’ve failed so many times before... so why would today be any different? He laughs, tells us we’ll never win. But is that the voice we should be listening to? Can we ever give up the fight? When our confidence rests in the God, and the power of Christ’s resurrection, then we are going to get up and try again. For, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). We have confidence of victory in the Spirit. And we must put our confidence in God alone.

We are in the same age-long struggle between God and Satan that David was involved in. Peace is won eventually, not by denying the giants that are there, but by facing and dealing with them. God supplies the victory. Satan still hates and attacks the people of God, he still seeks to destroy the church with conflicts. But once more, God defeats the enemy without sword or spear. He uses a cross and grave- what is weak- to put the strong to shame. He uses His Son, dying on the cross and arising from the grave, to defeat the powers of darkness. The battle is the Lord’s. And so is the victory. He gives us the victory of His Son. He gives us the power of the Spirit. He gives us the faith to fight, to face our enemies, to triumph over evil. Conflict with giants is inevitable. But the victory is the Lord’s. And thanks be to Him, that we may share in that glorious victory.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011