Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

One Year On

I'm not sure if I believe it yet, but today marks one year since I waved goodbye and drove away from an empty house into somewhat the unknown- to a new home, a new town, a new church, and a new life to look forward to. It was a crazy year. A fun year. An inspiring year. An amazing year. It is with great thanks to God that I can say that. He has richly blessed me with a fantastic year full of opportunities and adventures. It is incredible to think back to those days when I left Albany, when I was homesick and in need of a beach... and then to think about how far I've come since then, and the 'new' life I've started.

I'm not really sure how I've moved from the apprehension that comes with stepping out of routines within a comfort zone, to still being in routines (albeit somewhat different) in a new (albeit somewhat similar) comfort zone. But then I think to the care and guidance of my heavenly Father, and can see that this past year has proven that change and difference isn't so hard when you have a faithful Saviour guiding every step. How wonderful is God's unfailing Word- He will work all things for my good. He was the One who helped me face those initial fears, who has given me the strength and courage to face new beginnings, who has placed beautiful people on my path, who has been with me each step of the way. I honestly feel that God has truly blessed the decision to move, and this is such a wonderful comfort. I have been able to grow closer to my God, by trusting His guidance and plan for me. I have been able to personally grow in self-esteem and confidence. I have met some great people and become part of a new church community. I have been able to form and continue relationships with amazing friends. I have been able to enjoy university campus life, studying, and prac. I have been able to find jobs and enjoy my work. And there's more.

Of course there are people and things that I still miss from Albany. I said I would come down lots to visit, and for that I apologise; I guess once isn't really lots. But somewhere, life moves on. I am still able to keep contact with friends and loved ones, and I have managed to see a few people up here in Perth too :) And maybe, dare I suggest it, you'll have to come up here (bring me some Dylans!) to visit... :) I guess somewhere Albany will always be my hometown, but thanks to God's guidance and wonderful friends I still live at home. So, for all those that read my blog and have contributed in some way, thank you. Thanks for helping me find my feet, for being such wonderful support, for helping me feel at home, and for simply being there (if I needed you or not, both were appreciated).

I can't really believe it. The year went so fast. But in another way, the many, many things which I've been able to do and achieve is also astounding. There are many memories made in this past year that will be treasured forever. Hopefully many more in store for the future. And so life goes on.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Bringing the Good News

If you asked people what Christmas is all about, when taking away the physical things like presents, many people will tell you it's about spending quality time with your family, being happy, and showing 'goodwill'. And in one sense, that is correct. Christmas is seen as a time that you spend with your close (and maybe not so close) family as much as possible. Christmas is a time where you can be happy and joyful, for sure. And Christmas does include showing 'goodwill' to men- as sung by the angels. Yet, there's something big that is lacking in this picture of Christmas. For isn't it every day that we should spend time with family? And isn't it every day that we should be happy and show peace and goodwill? Christmas is a special time of year, is it not? So, is Christmas simply about placing more emphasis on these things, or is there something else that is the cause of the Dec 25th celebration? Okay, Kara, you've already discussed the true meaning of Christmas and how this differs from the many views people have... write about something different! Well okay, I drifted away from my original intentions for this post.

Back to the point, Christmas is all about the good news. The gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And we have a calling to spread this good news. The shepherds who followed the star to the stable on the night of Jesus' birth were the first evangelists (so I learned in Sunday's yesterday's (time flies!) sermon). And so, like those shepherds 2000 years ago, we may, with the grace and power of God, bring the tidings of joy still today. Yesterday, I was priviledged to be able to go with a team of devoted Christians to a local prison and spread the Word. This is a very special thing, and I say 'priviledged' for a reason. Firstly, because with God's strength, I can confess my faith and share His Word and have opportunities to do so. And I was priviledged in many ways to be able to be a member of the fellowship team and spread the gospel in this prison. Because, on Christmas Day, many prisons are in total lockdown state (no visitors allowed) and therefore the prisoners can not spend quality time with their families, their happiness is limited, and peace might be far from their minds (there, I knew there was a reason for my fist paragraph!). We bypassed many security measures and by the grace of God, He (almost literally) opened doors for us so that we could still bring a Christmas message. And that's what we did. For four hours we visited each prison unit and sang Christmas hymns, a few of the male team members brought a short Christmas message, and we handed out home-made biscuits and shook hands with the prisoners.

And it was an absolutely AMAZING, inspiring experience. We were able to sing God's praises and spread His Name in a 'poor' and ridiculed place. The ability to go into a maximum security prison and actually shake hands with prisoners is humbling. It's saddening. It's wonderful to see that they were willing to receive us into their 'home' and actually listen to our singing and the message. It's amazing to feel the immediate benefits of giving- we were able to give them the gospel, our voices, our biscuits, our time and energy- and to see the gratefulness on their faces. To see them joining in when we sang. To see them intently listening to the message. To see them rush forward to grab some biscuits. To look past their clothes and tattoos and see them as people in need of (and wanting to hear) the gospel. And to be able to give them, even if it was just a small hint, the peace and joy that comes with Christmas- the lasting gifts which God gives to us in Jesus Christ.
And so it is my prayer that the grace of God and His Holy Spirit might work in these men so that they may come to know Him, and that they too may fully receive His forgiveness and grace. It is my prayer that the Prison Fellowship team may continually be endowed with strength to continually bring the gospel to those in prison. And it is my prayer that the good news may continue to go out to the ends of the earth.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve. An evening to ponder on the great riches we have through the humbling birth of our Saviour. Tonight we celebrate an extraordinary birth; a birth which allows us to celebrate every day and receive rich gifts of salvation and life. Tonight, Santa isn't going to visit my place. But I don't mind. Because tonight is more special than a bearded man in a red suit. Tonight is all about the birth of my Saviour. I don't need presents, because I have all the gifts I need. I don't need songs about jingle bells and sleighs, because I will sing about a true Christmas eve. How wonderful, that God has visited His people. He is our Emmanuel. So come all you faithful, who have seen the glorious light, and worship your servant king. Sing of our awesome God; sing glory to God in the highest; sing as the herald angels; and sing because away in a manger, in royal David's city, a child was born. And He was called Jesus, for He saves us from our sins.
O Holy Night.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Putting Christ back in Christmas

So, this isn't mine (I'm not quite that smart...) but I found this and thought it quite interesting, or at least applicable for this time of the year.

...Jesus is Better than Santa...
Santa lives at the North Pole,
Jesus is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh,
Jesus rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year,
Jesus is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies,
Jesus supplies all your needs.
You have to stand in line to see Santa,
Jesus is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap,
Jesus lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?",
Jesus knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly,
Jesus has a heart full of love.
All Santa can offer is Ho Ho Ho,
Jesus offers health, help and hope.
Santa says "You better not cry",
Jesus says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.
Santa's little helpers make toys,
Jesus makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle but,
Jesus gives you joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree,
Jesus became our gift and died on the tree.
It's obvious there is really no comparison.
We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.
We need to put Christ back in Christmas.
Jesus is still the reason for the season.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Preparing for Christmas

On Wednesday I visited the hairdresser, and like everywhere at the moment, the Christmas buzz is starting continuing. It's December and people are getting worried. They need to find the PERFECT present for each close relative and friend. Not too expensive but not too cheap, not too cheesy but not too outrageous, suitable but not predictable... All the worry about shopping for Christmas presents creates a stressful atmosphere. And that's just the presents. What about the tree, the lights, the cherries, the tinsel, the ham, the stockings, the beer, the fruit cake, the pies.......

But is this necessary? I think that in ensuring every tiny detail is perfected, people are missing out when it comes to the most important thing. Sure, the retail industry loves this time of year. And those that win the Christmas raffles will have a smile on their face. But most people are at a loss, and not only about what gift to get their Mum. Because ultimately for them it comes down planning a time to be merry, an opportunity to down a few drinks and good food, and a reason to get a week off from work.
So when I was sitting at the hairdresser, I thought about how ignorant people have become. Isn't Christmas supposed to be a time of peace? What's with all the stress then? Why has the word 'joy' been replaced with 'merry'? Why has the focus shifted from heavenly glory to earthly pride? People have lost the true meaning of Christmas. Over time, increasing delight in the physical celebration has led to a sliding away from the spiritual and God-centred celebration. Instead of glorifying God, the focus has become on pleasing Santa and the people coming over for lunch.

I think that we must remember to stop pleasing men, but instead be grateful to God for the blessing of Christmas. Instead of waiting for Santa and the presents that will break and rust, be amazed by the unfading knowledge that God is with us even today, and He continually bestows gifts on His children. Enjoy the peace of knowing that Christ's birth, along with His death on a tree, grants us the greatest gift of all. Be joyful in the birth of Christ as true man, securing our salvation and providing us with everlasting joy. Rejoice that He was willing to humble Himself for you. Be a shining light in this world that is darkened by the ignorance of the gospel. And live in the hope of His return.

And so I wish my blog readers an enjoyable December. I wish all of you God's blessings as you round off another year. Enjoy a few beers. Have fun planning your Christmas lunch for your family and friends. But also take some time to reflect on the joy and peace we may receive through Christ's birth, and the fountain of good it brings to our lives. Thank God for the blessing of Christmas. Don't let the physical 'attractions' distract you from the true meaning of Christmas, something worthy of celebration.