Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mark Schultz - What It Means To Be Loved.wmv

I was listening to this on the radio and for some reason it almost brought tears to my eyes. It didn't make for a happy driver behind me either... because I missed the speed limit change...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Weekend Musings

Easter. Time to reflect on the suffering of our Lord and Saviour. A joyful time where we can remember not only Christ's bitter and shameful death on the cross, but also His glorious resurrection. How blessed we are to live in the comfort this brings, and despite the battle we still fight, we can live in the peace that Christ has won the victory for us.

Anzac Day. Time to reflect on the suffering of soldiers. A sad time where we remember those soldiers who have fought and continue to fight for our country Australia. How blessed we are to live in a free country, and despite wars raging across the world, we can live in peace.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Think

So, I haven't posted for a week. I was in the middle of a song challenge, which has kinda petered out... And I have been busy thinking. Waaaaaayyyyy too much thinking. Sometimes it makes me sad. Sometimes it makes me angry. Sometimes it makes me happy. Thoughts tend to stir up more thoughts too. Thoughts. Thoughts. Thoughts. And when I think too much, I think too much. In other words, I shouldn't think that much. I don't think so anyway. How strange is thinking?

So, what am I thinking? is probably the question.
About Albany. And how much I want to visit. Except June is looking like my first lot of free time when I can. It's a little sad.

About my awesome friends who are just so supportive, encouraging, inspiring and beautiful. You know who you are, and you're awesome. Even just hanging around, talking, and spending time (the little free time we have) together. The deep conversations and the not so meaningful ones. And just for being there. Truly blessed. It's amazing happy.

About my family. Having been gone for a week today, I never knew I would actually miss them that much. Miss the company. Coming home to an empty house, having to cook dinner and do the washing and cleaning and dishes and locking up and tidying and driving and the list goes on isn't half as great. Except I ran out of things to say so that's why I ended the list there. At the same time a bit of freedom and quiet is nice for a change. So I'm still undecided if it's a good thing or not. That's me anyways. Indecisive I mean. But I'm going to visit them over Easter weekend. In Dunsborough. It's happy and sad.

About music. What to listen to and what not? Still a big question. But I just discovered Brad Paisley, country singer with a great voice and some nice songs too. When I Get Where I'm Going. Farther Along. Find Yourself. Little Moments. Inspirational? Dunno. I try to make it.

About lots of other things. But this post is already too long. I think.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 11- Song from your Favourite Band

I promised I would try and share this song sometime later in the challenge. Well, here it is. My favourite band at the moment. And one of my favourite songs. If you get bored, look up some more of their songs. Absolutely fantastic. Comforting and inspiring at the same time. Beautiful.

Day 10- Song you can Fall Asleep to

The reason I chose this song is not because it's dead boring and hence my eyes droop closed. Rather it's what I often fall asleep listening to because that's what I chose to play on my CD player. It's very calming and peace provoking just before falling asleep. Ultimately it's God that provides that peace and the comfort that everything is alright. And if it isn't somewhere in this world, it will be in the world to come. Which we can taste now already.

Day 9- Song you can Dance to

G'Day!! I don't dance very often. Make that never. So this was a bit hard. Hence the very inspiring song choice (not)!! I was belting this out with my younger siblings just this evening during their bath. And I can easily dance to it. My all time favourite Australian country song. I love the Aussie classics and every now and then it's good to listen to them and remember with pride the country I belong to.

Day 8- Song you know the words to

I have a few songs to catch up on, so this is the first of four I'm posting today. This song plays quite often on the radio at the moment, and I love it. We must also remember that not only must we hold on, but more importantly God will hold on to us, and then the clouds will move faster. Always. Waht glorious hope we have. God's love is amazing!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 6- Reminds You of Somewhere

It's cold. It's cloudy. It's raining. It's familiar. It's memories.

Days like this remind me of my old home. But I am thankful that I still have a home. It still feels a bit like a new home, even though it's been an old home for three months now. I have a family, a wider Christian family, and the greatest family of friends one could ever hope for. And in that sense I will always have a home.

And at the same time, I am looking forward to an even greater home.

It's not the darkest day. Because His arms hold the universe.

And His grace will lead me home.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 5- Reminds You of Someone

For all my special, true friends

It's nothing anyone can see

It's just a forever feeling

That lives in the heart of me

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 4- A Song that Makes You Sad

  • I don't think this is a very positive title again, hence why I chose this song. The reason it makes me sad is because I remember the movie it comes from... A Walk to Remember. Still one of my favourite movies, but also one of the saddest. At the same time, the song itself isn't a heart-wrenching song as such. Reminiscing and slightly tear-jerking yet it still has a glimmer of strength for the future... And in the context of the movie it's so much better. Anyways, the rest the song says for itself.

  • P.S. Not a real inspiring Christian song, but I prefer those when they're joyful and thankful and inspiring in that sense rather than gloomy-not saying they haven't their place either- but hopefully that makes a little sense...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 3- A Song that Makes You Happy

Day 2- With My Rules

Day 2- It's supposed to be your least favourite song. But I don't have one of those really. And I prefer to think positively. So I decided to change the 30 day rules... And you might see a few more changed rules every now and then. But music has become a bit of a passion of mine recently, so why not continue the challenge, and just adapt it a little! :) So this is just a song I wanted to share. The power of faith (in God).

Saturday, April 2, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge- Day 1

  • Day 1- Your Favourite Song

  • It's so hard to choose, and seeing as I'm rather indecisive I found it hard just to post this one song. Brandon Heath just scrapes through, before Matthew West (My Own Little World) and Addison Road (This Little Light Of Mine). Maybe I'll be able to post them later on in the challenge :)