Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Rally for Life

Last night I attended the 2012 Remembrance Walk and Rally for Life, an annual event where pro-life supporters mark the anniversary of the 1988 laws allowing abortion in WA. There were approx 750 people there rallying against the abortion laws. We started at Kings Park, with reading from the Bible, and praying for the government, our city, the church, unborn babies, and pregnant mothers and families. Then, under the supervision of some very kind police escorts, we walked behind banners and holding placards and 'candles' to Parliament House. In peace we could reflect for a minute on the shocking abortion statistics (116,000 babies have been aborted since the laws were first put in place) and say our own prayers for those suffering the effects of abortion and the unborn. We were also addressed by a number of said 'pro-life' parliamentarians who gave us words of encouragement to continue our fight, and support our politicians, against abortion and the protection of life in the womb. A statement by Mr. Peter Abetz has stayed in my mind, when he said something like "the most dangerous place for babies is in the womb".

It still beats me how people can morally justify abortion, or even bring themselves to do it, and why these laws were passed in the first place. Even not taking God's commandments into account, it is hard for me to even comprehend how people victimise themselves and make these decisions. At the same time, I pray that those who have been affected physically, emotionally and spiritually by abortion, may realise and depend on the forgiveness and healing of Jesus Christ.

It is heartbreaking to remember and realise the hurt this must cause our heavenly Father, who grants abundant life, who creates in His image, and who hates murder. It is my prayer that the government of Western Australia, Australia, and the entire world, realise the immorality and explicit disobedience of the abortion laws; and that life may be protected and cherished.

You can read a bit more here:

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Rug and Lots of Questions

Sometimes I ask myself lots of questions. Today was one of those days… And I thought I’d share some with you (and put it in second (not first) person point of view for easier writing/reading).

Imagine for a second, that you are a tiny, woven thread in the middle of a beautiful rug. The rug is made of many colours, different types of thread, and various embellishments. And you’re just one small piece of that rug; you’re only a thread. But you’re still part of the rug, right? What if a small boy decided you were ugly, and pulled you out? Would you not feel unaccepted, incomplete, and lost? Or what if a neighbouring thread decided you didn’t belong and so they undid the interlocking that was binding you together? Would you not feel alone, unworthy, and unappreciated? Surely, as a thread within the rug, you have something to give. You have a colour, an embellishment, a different style or opinion to share. Should you not be able to express yourself? Should you not be able to contribute to the wellbeing of the rug as a whole? For if you were discarded as an ugly and useless thread, would the rug still be complete? Or would there be a hole and an empty space? Wouldn’t the whole rug then become ugly and useless?

Now imagine for a second, that you are a tiny, woven thread in the middle of a beautiful rug. But instead of being a dull, plain, brown thread (or whatever you imagined in the previous example), you’re a brilliant, feathery, blue thread. What are you going to do with your colour and style? Are you going to flaunt your embellishments above others, take over the rug, and not let others contribute to its beauty and purpose? Or will you find, and be comfortable in, the place given to you by the Tailor, and share your character and opinion in an equitable and loving manner?

What colour thread are you (What is your character, your person, your opinion, your gifts)? What is your place in the rug (Where have you been placed in God’s congregation and the communion of saints, and what is your influence)? How will you use this position for the benefit of the whole rug? How will you display your character and opinion? How will you love the other threads and show them their worth as a valuable piece of a united whole that can’t be broken?

“Walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”
       (Eph 4:1-3). 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I'm writing an integrated program. Which requires inspiration and motivation.

Watching the sun rise above fish-less water... Buying an awesome canvas print which I absolutely looove... Drinking too many cups of tea, along with plentiful trips to the loo... Thinking about the few weeks left of uni classes and the possibilities of a career in reformed education... Reading books- Wow, I've actually found some time to do so!... Playing piano (as if my fingers don't get enough of a work out)... Well, I guess I have to keep busy somehow! I guess I could add visiting friends, reminiscing over photos, chatting on Facebook, writing to-do-lists, cooking and making old people smile, thinking of what else to add to this list...
It's all pretty inspiring, I must say!

In other exciting news, it's my first visit to my ATP prac class tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to being called Miss Dekker again :) (Actually I'm not sure I like that name, but I have to get used to it... I'm more anticipating the thrills of teaching and being in a classroom for a day)!