Friday, February 15, 2013


Last Saturday night was my university graduation. These are some quick snaps Arlene took at home before I left for the ceremony.

We were a bit rushed because I had forgotten about ironing my gown, and so it was a bit of a dash to iron it, take some quick pics, and drive to uni so we weren't late. We were well on time in the end, but that gave time to get some professional photos done. Hopefully I'll be able to put some of those photos up on here soon too.

It was a very long ceremony, and I had to sit very patiently waiting for my three seconds of fame. But it was worth it. My favourite part was the finale, where uni put on a five minute fireworks show... Just standing proudly (in a good way) in the middle of a huge crowd of graduates, with our cool hats and gowns, looking up at the sky in celebration, excitement, relief, joy, and pride in our accomplishments... It's a moment I hope I never forget.

To officially receive a certificate of recognition- yep, I'm properly qualified to be doing what I love most- It's a wonderful moment. I'm glad Mum convinced me to go (shh don't tell her that!)...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Come Monday Morning...

Not really. It's just another joke.
But I thought it was much too funny.
So please don't rush to phone up my boss
Cause then I'll be outta money.