Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Little Things

How often in life do we think about the little things? Perhaps we're too ignorant, or maybe constantly unaware, but I feel sometimes we neglect the little stuff. Not as prominent or important maybe?

Well, the past couple of days made me think about the small things in life. At the moment I'm typing with nine fingers, and I really miss the tenth. I can't play the piano properly. I can't write neatly. I can't hold my coffee mug normally. I can't clench my right fist (and when you want to stretch your fingers that's annoying). I can't carry as much. And there's lots more that I can't do (or can't do properly) with only nine fingers. Strange? I thought so, but a soccer ball can really knock out a finger for a while. So whilst nursing my poor finger I was thinking about how so many things are taken for granted, how much we miss the little things in life but that make life so much easier, or that makes life 'normal'. How true it is that as soon as we can't have or use something then we realise how much we 'need' it. Could I survive with nine fingers? Yeah, but ten is a lot better...

God created man with ten fingers and ten toes, all for a reason. When you consider the intricate detail of even a finger (yes that does seem kinda weird, but that's me for you) then you can see an amazing Creator behind it all. And now my finger is healing, just like that. There's still a bruise, but that will most probably disappear within the next few days, and I'll get full strength (hopefully) back soon. I didn't even need to go to the doctor (although I wanted a legitimate excuse for having a sore finger... but I thought too much about my bank account). Pretty cool. And then I'll be able to use that finger again for all those strange, mundane things life is made of.

Now that's only a finger. What else is there that we miss?

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