Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Did You Know?

Did you know that...
- I have four uni assignments due this week?
- I have only finished one of them?
- And I completely made up each of the 1880 words?
- I love catching up with friends?
- Chocolate is delish?
- The engagement party on Friday was a blast?
- I can cook yummy enchiladas?
- I pulled a neck/shoulder muscle?
- It took me an hour to get out of bed on Monday?
- I can't keep my head on straight?
- 77 x 7 is 539?
- I looooove music because it keeps me semi-sane?
- Raisin toast is my new friend?
- I applied for another job?

- I have no idea why there's a gap above this point?
- I have a new sister?
- I get to play tennis tomorrow?
- I can be really random???


  1. ummmm.... let me list in order
    -no did not know you had 4 uni assignments - all the best luv
    -well done, one is better than none
    -if you can dribble for 1880 words, you are truly amazing my friend, i am proud to know you, perhaps you could write my assignments too
    -aww that's sweet, i luv catching up with friends too, can't wait to saturday!!!
    -yes, did rather know that you like chocolate... might be because of your email address or a couple of shirts you own....
    -glad the engagement party was great!! no idea who got engaged but I'm sure you had a fantastic time!!
    -mmmmmm... enchiladas..... you're on cooking duty next time we're away on holidays!!
    -oooowwww poor you
    -an HOUR!!! shame... shame.....
    -can I see your head on back to front one day?
    -you have amazing mathematical abilities
    -yum, raisin toast - mutual friend
    -well done, i assume that is fair haven? or perhaps yet another job??
    -maybe it is because you pressed the enter button?
    -whose this new sister???
    -yes, tennis is definitely on!!!! haven't forgotten promise
    -yes you can be definitely random.... like offering chocolate froggies for ppl who figure out how to send fb messages to your phone?!?!?

    luv Merinda

    p.s. thanks for being my very very very very very very FIRST blog follower...

    p.p.s. your fish are looking rather fat, I think you must get way too many visitors to your blog site :D

  2. hey friend
    glad you enjoyed friday night. sorry i didn't see more of you!
    hope your neck gets better soon!
    ps. i'm the one who got engaged minda :)

  3. and I'm the new sister :D :D
    for some reason, I already knew what 7x77 equals also ... cant really remember why though :D

    I'm pretty sure that you cant be as random as me...
