Monday, October 31, 2011


For the last few weeks (or even months) I have been busy with organising Byford Congress 2011. And now it's finished! An absolutely epically crazy weekend,
which involved running around catering for and entertaining approx 70 youth.

I thought about a number of questions in relation to our topic, and I would love to write all about what it means to be a member of a covenant congregation... but unfortunately I missed out on the speeches and discussions, so perhaps I will leave that to someone else. Nevertheless, I had a good weekend and it wasn't too stressful :) And although I'm glad it's over, I have some great memories that will be treasured forever (the least of all dancing on a table and singing (or yelling) at the top of my voice... or going on a high without any sugar... or being silly in the photo booth... or laughing about nothing funny... or getting flowers for my birthday... or the list can go on but I'll stop there before it gets too embarrasing).


  1. I want the photobooth photos... where can I get them from?? :)

  2. p.s. you guys did a great job organising... i had a GREAT time the parts I attended!!
