Monday, August 20, 2012

Rest, not Retail Therapy

The countdown is on.... only 6 days to go! The most amazing thing ever has struck town, and it's coming soon! Well, that's what some people think anyway.

Today I was struck by something mentioned on the radio, which hasn't been all that far from my thoughts recently. Coming Sunday marks the beginning of Sunday trading in WA. And to most people, that's a pretty exciting phenomenon. We get to shop on Sundays, fantastic! Now, to me, that seems rather absurd. Just because the shops are open on Sundays doesn't mean that you're going to have more money so that you can shop on a Sunday. Just because trading hours are extended doesn't mean that you're going to have the time and energy and funds to spend at the shops. If you could fit your grocery shopping in before (or if you take the online option), then why do you need or so desperately desire Sunday trading? To me, it seems rather strange that everyone's getting hyped up about Sunday trading, because in fact I don't see the point.

But, more importantly, Sunday trading is an act of sin against the 4th commandment which God gave to us for a reason. When God commanded man to rest, and to keep the Sabbath holy, He didn't mean that you can choose your day off work. He didn't mean that you could use a Sunday to do your shopping because 'you don't have any other time in the week'. God meant that the day He ordained for rest, was the day that you rest, and not in the sense of retail therapy. He meant that Sundays are a day set apart for His service, not servicing yourselves at the checkouts. He meant that He, as the majestic God who grants all things, including the blessings of money and shopping trips, was to be given a special day, not a sales 'specials' day.

All God asked was for 1 out of 7 days. He gives us 6 days per week to do whatever we like (although we must do so for His honour and glory, as humans we are given life choices and opportunities to do many things with our days). And not only that, God knows that we need rest. We're human beings, and we can't operate 14 days straight without a break. God knew even before He created the world, that man needed rest. And so He established a week that included one day of rest. And what better way to spend it then hearing His Word, meditating on it, and enjoying a day of praising Him? I don't mean here that we must simply go to church all day, or spend all day holed up on the couch reading Calvin's commentaries. No, within the families, friends, and communion of saints He's provided, we may worship Him and be thankful for what He's given us, enjoying the company of like-minded people. How rich we are to share a faith, to share a common goal, and to share in a marvellous Father!

And then, when I hear on a so-called Christian radio station, that the radio announcers are excited to go shopping on Sunday, I question where society is heading. And it's not just from them that I've heard this. Sure, there are many ways in which 'godly' or 'Christian' morals are being attacked, especially in the area of politics. We only need to think of how the world is dealing with marriage and pregnancy, to name a couple of examples. But how can people who claim to be 'Christian' support such an act that is so completely against God's Word? Then it seems no wonder God's Word is under attack.

At the same time, we must remember that God is in control, and He will use the foolish acts of men to further His kingdom. I continue to pray that each politician, each leader, and each citizen may recognise who their Creator and Sustainer is, and in that way acknowledge His commandments as the rule to life. May His Name continue to be acknowledged and revered on this earth, and may we continue to serve and honour Him with our whole lives, including our Sundays.

P.S. I also believe that the 4th commandment is a call to rest each day from our evil works, but this was not the point of the post, so I leave it here for now.

1 comment:

  1. had that same thought when i heard that on the 'christian' radio station!
    good post!
