Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Crossing the Finish Line

There’s something satisfying about completing. Getting to the end is a wonderful feeling. Often it doesn’t really matter how big or long or high the task is- finishing it makes you feel good. But sometimes, just sometimes, the massive task is so time-consuming and energy-draining that completing it is more than just a good feeling- it becomes a memorable milestone.
Along life’s journey, I’ve just completed another mile. A mile that I probably won’t forget. The one that has taken 4 years to travel… that has taken many days and probably just as many late nights… that has taken countless hours of driving and train travel… that has seen me staring at a computer screen for what is longer (I’m sure) than is healthy… that has gone over many bumps and through many valleys… but ultimately one that has also climbed mountains and made me a (qualified!) teacher.
I can’t remember my first smile, or my first step, or my first day at school. But I will always remember the day I completed my university degree.

It’s been a long time since I’ve blogged. I could think of many excuses. But the biggest reason is that, and now I draw on an experience I hope you’ve all encountered, running those last few steps drains you. Most of the journey involves coasting along at a constant speed, but putting in that final effort, using all the stored energy, and racing to the finish line is exhausting. I’ve just done it.

To be honest, I’m not sure what I feel about finishing. To me, I’ve come first. I don’t know (and I don’t really care) what everyone else thinks, but the personal growth, the confidence, the experiences and the knowledge I’ve gained along the way puts me in first place. Having such a lovely group of students for my final prac, who think I’m the ‘best awesomest teacher’ (Sorry Mr G!) was wonderful, and although they think I’m the teacher, they’ve all taught me too. The final week of my uni journey was unforgettable, mostly thanks to them.
At the same time, that feeling of finishing also means that a journey is complete. There are some video replays that play over in my mind, but there’s a different road ahead. I’m going to miss student life!

I am ever so grateful for the opportunities, the challenges, the encouragement and the support I’ve been given along the way. Some times it was rough, and sometimes I needed a bit of help or advice- but it was always there.

On the 17th October my results are released. Some time (early next year at a guess) will be my graduation. January 1st I’ll start being paid as a full-time teacher. It’s all pretty exciting. I’ll let you know how everything goes! J

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