Once upon a Sunday drive... my wonderful white beast carked it. I'm still waiting for a call from the mechanic to see if it's worth reviving, but that's another story for another day, when I've received that call. For now anyways, I've been asked by someone to blog about my car- why, I'm not so sure, but I do like to honour requests. It so happens that this very same person thinks that I should get my parents to buy me a new car, because it's their responsibility to look after their children. I wonder what my parents would think about that......
Okay, so back to the original story. Man, I get way off track sometimes! I'm sorry. Sorry for going way off track, and for putting my car through such torture- it pretty much got torched, if you can say burning out, and letting off way too much steam, more so than is acceptable for a four-wheeled thing, is getting torched. I like to call it that, anyway, then at least I can say it's been through torchure. Not on my behalf though, I don't think I would ever consider torturing a car, it's a bit too precious for that. I like to care for things, and I'm always careful not to upset the applecart. But you see, carrying such a responsibility (i.e. caring for things in such a way that you don't topple the applecart) is scarcely heard of these days, so I'm thinking I either need to make a career of it, or I should forget about the applecart and think of yummier things like caramel, or macaroni, or macaroons. Oh no, too full of carbohydrates. Let me see, carrots are probably a healthier option, and they match well with the applecart. At least I'll get my 2&5 serves of fruit and veggies. And I can even add some bicarb to spice (or fizz) it up a bit.
Anyways, as I was saying, it all happened once upon a Sunday drive. Some carpenter person, who also lays carpets, was carpooling with his caretaker friend, and towing a caravan, and just randomly decided to precariously drive down the road on his way to post that postcard he'd spent hours carefully writing. Oh the irony of carefully and painstakingly writing a card and then forgetting about the applecart when you actually go to send it off. Okay, so this dude was carrying some precious cargo, and because he was concentrating so hard on precariously driving to protect it, he decided to make my back window a carcass of tiny glass fragments, by simply flicking a stone just right into a perfect cartwheel, scarring the road as it leapt up, carved beautifully through the air, careened into my windscreen, and made the glass look like a 20carat diamond. Magnificent finish, and an applause-worthy performance. True story except for two things: I wasn't applauding, and I have no idea who or what or when or why or how my windscreen smashed. Oh, and that's just the beginning.
My car was in Dunsborough, sorry I forgot to mention that bit. And somehow it had to get back to Perth, and I wasn't going to drive it without a back windscreen, and we didn't have plastic or cardboard to cover it up... So my sister drove it (carazy! I know!) and I drove her friends car... And everything was going magnificently until she pulled over and so did I, and there was all steam pouring out of the bonnet, and the coolant was boiling, and I didn't know what to do, and so I rang Dad, he said ring RAC (ever notice that this acronym is car backwards...), so I rang RAC, we couldn't figure out where we were, then they rang me back, then the lady on the other end of the phone who had a lovely voice told us to wait while a guy came from Harvey, then he came, then he said it wasn't good, because he said that I'd blown a head gasket, but he couldn't say why, and he drove away, and Rachel got Ryan to come, and we waited for about 2.5 hours at the petrol station, and then Ryan finally got there, and then we pushed the car on the trailer (that was hard work!), and then Ryan took it back to our house, and then I bought him a carton of beer because he did such a good job, and then it sat in the garage looking rather sad for a few days, and then I was carless (not careless, that's not me, remember!), until my sister sorted out the paperwork for her car, and now I can drive her car, but while that was happening my car was taken to the mechanic last night, and now I'm waiting for a phone call.
Oh, and I always like to look on the bright side... I've reduced my carbon footprint. (Well, at least for the two days I was carless, anyway).
Now, your job is to fix my car. But if you can't do that for free, then find how many times the letters see, aye and are can be found, in that order, in this blog post. Or how many times you can find 'car' in this blog post. You should get the same number.
P.S. I think the appropriate use of commas, and the term 'my ramblings', just received new definitions :) :) :)
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