They shall not grow old,
As we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun,
And in the morning
We will remember them.

Today is ANZAC Day. A day to remember the lives lost in war, to celebrate the freedom of this land, and to reflect on the blessings afforded us through peace. I'm not sure when the last time I've thought about peace was, to be honest (Remembrance Day perhaps?). It's something that I guess I don't really reflect on all that often. I don't see warfare on the streets, I don't witness violent acts, I don't have to hide away from soldiers... I suppose peace is just one of those things that is present and exists in my life, but rarely noticed.
So today, when I think about those soldiers who have fought and who continue to fight for my country, I'm going to be thankful for them, for their willingness, courage and bravery, for their sacrifice for this nation, and also pray that God will bless their efforts so that I may continue to live in peace and freedom.
Today, when I think about the peace I have, I'm going to be thankful that God has given me a peaceful home, that I have rights and privileges, and a stable country to live in.
Today, when I think about the free existence I can live, I'm going to be thankful that I can serve my God, that I can live as a Christian, and that I live not in fear, but in patient expectation of Christ's return.
When I hear the Last Post (one of my all-time favourite pieces of music), I'm going to think about the trumpet call on that final day, when Christ will be revealed in glory on the clouds of heaven.
I also pray that as a nation, Australia will recognise and come to know the Creator and Sustainer of all. There is still turmoil and conflict at times, and although we all want it, there will never be world peace. Because there is a battle between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. And therefore I pray that Australia will turn to Him, trust His guidance, obey His commandments, and value that which is pleasing to Him.
As today I remember, I'm not going to only celebrate the achievements of men, but the power and wisdom of God, His wonderful work of preservation and providence, His glorious strength which far surpasses any human might, and then marvel that I know such a great God.
Lest I forget Him.
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