Wednesday, July 13, 2011

C What My Friends Can Do

I have amazing friends!!
Cook me pancakes...
Come out for dinner...
Crank the music and sing along...
Cause me to laugh- too often...

I love them for......
Champagne shots...
Crazy pool games...
Colouring my kite...
Christian character and openness...
Cute personalities and uniqueness...
Chatting and chatting and chatting... oh, and chatting...
Company, actually make that constant companionship...

And never ceasing to amaze me!
Cheers to many more wonderful times!!!

P.S. This is only a short list, and as I'm feeling rather uninspired I can't think of many more 'c' words. But thanks all for making my day! :)


  1. ... crunching on popcorn (but you weren't actually there then)...
    cooking me dinner...
    crazy games of quelf...
    clapping and dancing...
    conversations... make that: countless converation topics...
    congress ideas?...
    courageous (well someting courageous)...
    conquering the cat :)...

    ... Camille... Chantelle...Carla...
