Thursday, March 29, 2012

24/7 100%

So... This blog post has been sitting in my head for a while now. Recently I've heard a few sermons and discussions on what it means to live a life devoted to God. And it means 24/7 100% commitment.

When looking at life, there is so much to look at. This world, people, possessions, time, nature, careers, food, health..... LIFE. There's so much involved. Plenty of opportunities for us to live an earthly life that's pretty good. We like to think that what we do and think and say makes us pretty good people, and we establish 'good' lives for ourselves. But God doesn't just call us to live good lives whenever we can, or whenever we feel like it. Because everything we receive is God's. And He calls us to a life of service.

A life of service- that means our whole, entire life.
  • With a vow- "Offer to God thanksgiving, and pay your vows to the Most High" (Ps 50:14). A vow is a solemn pledge that is binding for life. It's more than good intentions and outward obedience, and it requires sincerity. We vow to live our life as a living member of His church, as thankful Christians with heartfelt desire to sincerely serve Him in all we do.
  • With our whole being- heart, soul, mind, strength, intellect, words, thoughts, actions, time, money, relationships, jobs, etc.
  • With priority- Our life should be focussed on God's service. That should have priority, first consideration, be our goal, our 'be all and end all'.
  • With a thankful attitude- God wants our sacrifices of love, but not because we begrudgingly feel we should, or because it's custom to do so, or we fear the elders knocking at our door... but with a heart full of gratitude and true thankfulness and joy because of what God has given us.
  • With a different lifestyle- A life that is focussed on God's service will ultimately manifest itself in a different lifestyle. The way we live out our lives reflects our inner desires and attitudes. The way we spend our leisure time, how we act within our jobs, how we relate to other people, how we attend religious activities (church, club, socials, meetings etc), how we dress, the language we use...
  • With a promise of reward- God promises that if we walk with Him, we'll find everlasting life. He promises delieverance through the Redeemer Jesus Christ. We are promised deliverance from trouble- more specifically, the cause of trouble- that is, sin. Therefore we glorify Him in a life of thankfulness.

Do we still stand in awe of God- do we know the person to whom we bring our sacrifices? Do we give from the heart or out of custom? Do we realise that Bible knowledge must translate to our lifestyle? Do we wear the right clothes for service? Do we always speak the truth in love? Do we always spend our money and time appropriately? Do we keep God and His glory as focus? Do we live our faith?

Keep grace in mind. When we personally see how Christ has delivered 'me', then it's not hard to life a life of constant thankfulness. It is all by the grace of God. Cling to Christ, for His love never runs dry.

P.S. A lot of this post has been inspired by, and phrased from, Rev A Veldman's sermon delivered in Byford on Sunday 11th March 2012. My apologies for not acknowledging this earlier when I first published the post. KD


  1. for some reason the same thing has really been striking me lately too!! God being the centre of our universe (literally and figuratively) is so important :) Thx for giving me more to think about!!

    1. Thanks Kailee :) It's certainly something to think about, and also act upon! :)

  2. Hi Kara,
    I'm thankful thart one of my sermons inspired you to write this. In the future some acknowledgement would be fair!
    May our gracious God help you in continuing to run the race of faith with endurance, looking only at Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

    1. My apologies Rev Veldman. Although a lot of this post came from memory (compliments for an inspirational and thought-provoking sermon), I just checked my notes and much of this post can almost be said to quote from your sermon. I will acknowledge my sources in the future! Wishing you God's blessings and strength for your work in His kingdom.
