Last week Thursday we could celebrate Australia Day. And it is always a joyous day, a good excuse for a public holiday, and a time of fellowship where we can celebrate being Aussie. I'm proud to be an Aussie, and each Australia Day again I reflect on the freedom and peace we can enjoy. The blessings of living in a prosperous country are countless, and we only have God to thank for blessing our country in many ways. But when reflecting on these gifts, it only makes one think of the way it is taken for granted and abused.
Australia's doing pretty well economically, at least in relation to other countries in the world. We have peace at home, and willing troops to serve overseas. We live in a land of physical beauty, and there's always something new to see around the corner. We have a government that is relatively stable, well at least there's no dictatorship or coups to worry about. We can drive to work, go out to dinner, walk the dog, do our washing, and carry on doing all the mundane things in life, without too much worry. And I thank God for these gifts.
Yet at the same time, I'm not sure where Australia is going. We celebrate abstinence from war on home soil, but we're in a constant battle with Aboriginals about rights and justice. We celebrate prosperity, but there's calls for Sunday trading and fewer jobs for those refusing to work Sundays. We celebrate democracy, but the heads of government face riots and ridicule. We celebrate peace, but we're willing to abort babies. We celebrate justice and opportunity, but we're sliding further and further away from the morals and guidelines of God's Word.
So, I'm not sure how much freedom is left to celebrate. I still want Australia Day. I'm still proud to be Australian. But somewhere God has to come back into the picture. His blessings are overlooked, and instead man tries to control what's not his to change. I think it's time Australia looks to the Word as a guide to joy and peace. To the freedom Christ offers. We don't have to pay for it. We don't have to look for it. We don't have to die for it. It's right there, freedom for free. Then we have a reason to celebrate the rich blessings of God. For now, I'll celebrate what God has given Australia, and the freedoms I can enjoy. But I'll also pray that Australia will turn to the Creator's freedom, instead of pursuing the slavery of the creature.
very well said kara!!