Where is your treasure? Locked up in the safe? Under your mattress? In the piggy bank? Pondering life's treasures, we can easily think of our materialistic society, our desire for more and better, and our affluence. But what do you do with your possessions? What is your desire in life: To spend your way to happiness?
Today I was reminded of our status on this earth. We are given a place to live and possessions to help us live. But these are not ours! Everything we have received (yes, received, for we in fact earn nothing, nor do we get it of our own accord), everything we have received is God's. He owns all things- and rightly so, for He created them all! Therefore it is our duty to use what He gives us in the right manner- to strive together as tenants of God's land and gifts- striving for God's glory and to promote the welfare of others. God will always give us all we need, and more.
"God, our Maker, will provide
All our wants to be supplied.
Let His people all confess
His unchanging faithfulness" (Hymn 57, BoP)
At the same time, as we bear fruit in our lives, we may look further than this life. Lay up treasures in heaven. Our riches on this earth won't get us very far. As aptly written on a gravestone:
'What I spent, I lost. What I saved, I left. What I gave, I have.'
Treasures in heaven will last, eternally. Often we may think living fruitful lives doesn't accomplish anything. But God promises more- He promises a rewarding future.
If we serve God with our possessions, then we won't lose anything but we will push forward, investing in the future. Sometimes we might think that we need our possessions all for ourself. However, we must place our complete trust in the Creator. It will take an act of faith, yet it is a sure deal! God guarantees it! So use your gifts! But use them wisely. Use them for God and for others. Sure, you can live, and you can live well. But don't get caught up in the materialism of this world. Look to the future and plant a field. And you will be guaranteed a full harvest. At the same time, be that plant. Live. Strive. Bear fruit. Grow.
"Lord of harvest grant that we
Pure and wholesome wheat may be.
Lord, we pray Thee, quickly come;
Bear Thy final harvest home.
Gather Thou Thy people in
Freed from sorrow, freed from sin.
They, forever purified,
In Thy presence will abide.
Come with all Thy angels, come;
Bear Thy glorious harvest home." (Hymn 57, BoP)
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