** This post was written at whim, without any thoughts
towards grammatical conventions or posting it on my blog. But seeing it’s been
a while since I’ve posted, herewith my thoughts: a meditation.
God has given me three families. Biological, church and
friends. Admittedly, they are all related (only laugh if you actually get the
joke). Nevertheless, I am so thankful for the friends I have. Where would I be
without them? Sounds idolatrous? In a sense, maybe. Am I not fully trusting in
God? But that’s where I am grateful for His provision! Yes I trust! Yes,
He is great and the greatest in my life! To acknowledge that without friends I
would be a different person, and perhaps a hopeless case, is also acknowledging
my thankfulness for God’s control: He knows what is best for me, He will work
for my good, He is the One who provides for me!
Life would be really lonely without friends.
All those sayings about friends are meaningful, but
friendship is more than sayings. We make our own sayings, but sometimes we
simply don’t say them. Sometimes things can be left unsaid, because we feel
them instead.
When I spend time with my friends, I always come home
joyful. Whether it’s because we’ve spent time laughing or time in deep
conversation, there’s something special about true friends. God has given me
friends, and that’s one of the greatest blessings in life. People were created
to develop relationships with each other, and friendship is one of those. For
me, personally, I need conversations. Ones where I can let my teacher jokes run
wild, and ones that are more intelligent or meaningful. Ones where we just
laugh or talk about life, and ones where we share difficulties or concerns and
help one another. But to me, there needs to be a balance. For me, a true friend
will get that.
To me, a true friend is someone:
Who accepts me for who I am.
Who enjoys my company and says so.
Who I don’t have to pretend for.
Who spontaneously invites me over or out.
Who loves and cares without judgement.
Who can point out my weaknesses and help me overcome.
Who will ask me ‘How’s it going?’ and really mean it.
A true friend is someone:
I can depend on.
I share a common bond with.
I can trust with anything.
I can always have a conversation with, regardless of how
long it’s been.
I laugh with.
I share struggles with.
A true friend is someone God has placed on my path as a
blessing to me, and to whom I can be a blessing.
To all my true friends out there, thank you.