Monday, November 19, 2012

Kids are Awesome

Kids are awesome. Did you know that?
They do what you say at the drop of the hat.
Most of the time (I should watch what I say),
You never know when trouble's heading your way!

But that makes it fun, you never know what
Is happening next, it's made up on the spot.
Play a game, jump around, or sing a song
Open a book, talk 'bout anything, all day long.

Take a drink break, or sleep on the floor,
Catch all the flies, or escape out the door.
Tell favourite jokes, or stories, or rhymes,
That's what we do at the best of class times.

Get a snack, cry bout a bruise or a scratch,
Go to the toilet, have a loud soccer match.
Plant a seed, trap a mouse, shred all the paper,
Make noises in armpits, or cause quite a caper.

Dance in the rain, play follow-the-leader,
Simon Says, Scarecrow, 'Time Wolfie fed her'. 
Mow the grass with our fingers and toes,
Vacuum the carpet with, well, who knows?

Squawk like a parrot, bark like a dog,
Stamp like an elephant, or roll like a hog.
Use pens as rockets, or paper as planes,
Watch the class goldfish swim down the drain.

Go out to the oval, the library, the gym
Tiptoe past the office, don't disturb him...
Or it's back to classroom with a big shout-
Never like to admit that we got caught out!

Well, actually, that's what we think we can do
But really there's always school work to get through.
Textbooks go flying, pens write till they're dry,
Heads and hands down, mouths closed shut, eyebrows high.

Okay, so my work isn't always this way,
In fact, not very close, it's always a day,
Full of very hard work, adding and taking,
Cleaning up all the mess we are making.

Doing our geography, history, and grammar,
Science, maths, music, all with some drama.
It's never boring, together it's fun,
Even with laughter, work always gets done.

I'm a teacher, I can say stuff like this;
My students are lovely, even call me Miss.
On the odd occasion, I'm even a Mrs...
I'll take lots of hugs, just please no more kisses.
I'll do my great job with pride and with fashion,
Cause it's my joy, my hobby, my passion.

Kids are awesome! I thank God for His plan,
For me, as I teach (sorry, this line just won't rhyme)
His covenant children, day in and day out,
And pray that my love for them never runs out.
As I care for and educate those placed in my care,
May my faith in Him be the treasure I share. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012


On Monday we could listen to Rev Wildeboer's presentation on the mission work done in PNG. I was touched by his presentation, so much so that I shed a few small tears. We are incredibly privileged to live in a country like Australia, and to compare our lifestyle to what some people go through in PNG is incredibly eye-opening and humbling. Mission needs a lot of support, both prayerfully and financially, and I have been inspired, not only by Rev W's eloquence, but also by what God has given me, to set aside prayer time and money for this important work. 

Monday was also my birthday, a day of celebration and reflection. It is with thankfulness to God that I could celebrate 21 years of healthy, exuberant life. To be able to spend a day like this in my dream job, with my favourite (minus a few) people, and to celebrate it with them is truly special. I am ever thankful to God for granting me so many blessings in life, including family, friends, and colleagues. Thanks to everyone who contributed to my birthday being such a special day!

I also just mentioned my dream job: That dream is even closer now! I have been teaching one day a week, but the past two weeks, it's been at least two days. And, I found out that next year my full-time position will be at Byford John Calvin School! So happy and excited!

Yesterday was Sports Day, and apart from a red nose, and now suffering from a bit of exhaustion, it was a fantastic day- I loved spending more time with kids, enjoying sport with them all, encouraging them to do their best, and helping them to use the bodies they've been given to God's glory. One of the highlights of my day was seeing one girl beat her personal best score in the 400m run by 25 seconds! It was a special moment for her, and to see children excel is one of my favourite pastimes. Yesterday was one of those days where I'm so thankful for God's guidance in leading me to teaching as a career, and for being able to have the opportunity to teach, support, and encourage, His children.

This past Wednesday was also Reformation Day. Tomorrow I have the privilege of starting to play piano in the Byford Church services, and my main piece for before the service is Luther's well-known hymn 'A Mighty Fortress'. Remembering Reformation Day as a turning point in the church's history, serving God through music, and acknowledging His hand throughout all ages (especially in His church) are more inspirational reflections this week has brought. 

And so, I've been inspired. To remember how blessed I am. To always be thankful for my blessings. To continue to trust in a God who is always there, leading me on the path of life, towards a more glorious day.