The Japan earthquake, tsunami, nuclear disaster... It's been in the news for over a week, and yet it's not over yet. But one thing is for sure- God knows. He knows why. He knows when it will end. He knows what happened. Why? Because He is in control. He did it!
A big earthquake is only a little push of God's fingers... A mighty God and also our Father. Yes, our Father. He will care for His children! He is mighty. Things will happen to us that we will question, that we will ask why, that we can't understand, that we feel don't measure up to His characteristics. And He is not just a mighty God, but Almighty God. And not just Almighty God, but the one and only Almighty God. He is all mighty.
When things reach the border of our understanding, then we should not question further than our capacity allows. God lets us know everything we need for His glory and our salvation. Now to bring it to a personal context. When we pray "Do not lead us into temptation" what do we mean? Are we saying that God would/will lead us there if we don't pray such a petition? No? What are we saying then? Firstly, God is not the author of sin, but He does execute in a just manner even when men act unjustly. It is also important to recognise the two types of temptation- to disobey God's revealed will and do the negative, and to despair God's hidden will and forget the positive. But we pray "
deliver us from the evil one"- we need power from above to resist the evil one. Lead us
out of temptation... Let Satan not win if You test our faith! God tests that we may show faith in Him, Satan tempts so that we do not show faith in Him (remember God does not tempt!). In other words, we pray, God don't leave us alone with Satan but uphold us with Your Spirit. Keep us!
God will keep His children. He is in
control. Satan's power is received from God- he is permitted but also limited.
Prayers every day keep the devil away.
So pray! Prayer doesn't fit us for kingdom work, but is the work of the kingdom.
Christ be with me
Christ within me
P.S. Pray for Japan, that they come to know the One in control.